Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Left's Intolerance Seeps into Sports: Running Back Penalized for Public Display of Thankfulness to God

While the Left goes nuts over the removal of a federally funded disrespectful "art piece" which showed ants crawling all over Jesus they repeatedly show intolerance and display discrimination to us traditionalist faithful Christians who hold God in reverence.

H/T Gateway Pundit


  1. Yep, just as I thought, the guy's white. If a black player had done that (as often happens not just in sports but at showbiz awards shows, music awards shows, etc.), there would be no penalty at all. Ditto if the player had been Latino. Yes, it's anti-Christian, but it's pointedly anti-WHITE-Christian . . . just like the entire sprog machine that has declared war on white Christian American patriots.

  2. You're kidding! unsportsmanlike conduct is when you taunt the other team, not thanking God for your own success.

    This PC crap has to stop.

  3. I have nothing but outrage and contempt for the ref who through the flag. I saw this two days ago and was very upset. Thank you for posting this and helping this young man stand up and acknowledge God as the giver of all things.

  4. When you think you had seen it all,,,and then this?

    This may not sound Christian of me, but I would like to take that towel and shove it down that refs' throat and SHOW him what 'unsportsman' like behavior actually is!

  5. Fuzzy Slippers has a point. It wouldn't have happened to a moslem student either. In fact, the school might even install foot baths near the end zone for the moslem students to wash their feet during the game and lay out prayer rugs so they can pray to Mecca.

  6. Yep, Fuz. "Fundamentalist" only has one definition in the USA.

  7. Welcome to the church of secularism
