Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rule 5 Posting - Christina Applegate

Here is Christina Applegate when she starred in Married With Children

While surfing the internet I found the movie "Surviving Christmas" which Christina Applegate played in also.  Now, that I've seen some of the scenes from the movie and it looks like it could be a good movie I am gonna have to see the whole movie now.


  1. Applegate is a great choice. And a wonderful comedienne.

  2. Some Linkage
    and a pic

  3. Hi Teresa, I like Christina too, she is very wholesome looking, while also sexy. She was perfect on "Married w/Children" One of my fav funny shows still on in re-runs out here.

    I think I saw that Christmas movie, it's fun.

  4. Hi Teresa! Christina has definitely matured nicely since her days on MWC. Great comedienne. Played a great air head.
