Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sick.... So here's some snippets of articles

Oh my! Polar Bears not endangered?  Global warming ecofascists must be highly disappointed about that reality.
From American Thinker:
One of the iconic images of global warming that is supposed to make us feel guilty enough to bankrupt our economy by giving in to various carbon schemes is that of the pathetic polar bear alone in the middle of the ocean on a rapidly shrinking ice floe. We are told that the poor creature is going extinct because the ice is melting and his usual feeding on seals is no longer possible. Continued

Does race matter? Is America colorblind or not?  It doesn't seem to be colorblind under Obama. 

From: American Thinker:

The fanciful idea of living in a colorblind society is one of the greatest impediments to sophisticated discussions about race in America.  If there is going to be a soothing of racial tensions in American society, there first has to be an understanding that race -- albeit a social construct based on some biological realities --exists and matters, and it is not just a vestigial figment of centuries-old white racism.
   It is axiomatic that race is a part of our social reality; however, where we need more discussion is on precisely where race matters.  The fundamental problem with race in America today is that we have a band of profiteering, country-trotting black liberals claiming that race matters in all the areas where it clearly does not. 

Pope Benedict's address was on Catherine of Bologna: Spiritual Weapons Against Evil. 

From DFW Catholic: The Holy Father dedicated his catechesis during today’s general audience, held in the Paul VI Hall in the presence of 8,000 people, to St. Catherine of Bologna (1413-1463).

Born to a noble family in the Italian city of Bologna, at the age of ten she moved to Ferrara where she entered the court of Niccolo III d’Este as a maid of honour. There she received a very careful education which would later serve her during her monastic life when “she used the cultural and artistic knowledge acquired over those years to great advantage”, the Pope said.
In 1427, at the age of fourteen, she left the court to dedicate herself to religious life in a community of young women. Two years later the leader of this group founded an Augustinian convent, but Catherine and a number of others preferred Franciscan spirituality and transformed the community into Poor Clares. Continued
It is quite obvious nowadays that public schools and common sense just don't mix.  Here is one more example of a school overreacting big time and where the so called protection is much worse than the "crime".   Do mistakes, mix ups, or accidents happen anymore?  This is ludicrous! 
From Hot Air: 
Suspended for the school year and charged with misdemeanor possession of a weapon on school grounds. And by “weapon,” I of course mean … a paring knife.
Just one question: Is it true?
Smithwick said personnel found the knife while searching the belongings of several students, possibly looking for drugs. She said the lunchbox really belonged to her father, Joe Smithwick, who packs a paring knife to slice his apple. He and his daughter have matching lunchboxes…
Lee County Schools Superintendent Jeff Moss said in a statement on Wednesday that the 3-inch-long knife was found in the teen’s purse, not her lunchbox. The search was conducted on Oct. 20 after a faculty member at the school discovered a student on campus with marijuana…
“She is currently enrolled as a student at the school,” Moss said.
The teen told WRAL News that she was initially given a 10-day suspension, then received notice that she was suspended the rest of the school year.
“Over two months after the event it is a mystery to us that the Smithwick’s concerns were not brought to our attention by the family through normal appeal procedures prior to going to the press,” Moss said.




  1. Get some rest, young lady. In fact, rest until the New Year.

  2. Hi Teresa, I'm sorry to read you aren't feeling well.

    I agree w/ Nickie, Get some well deserved Rest and I hope you awake all better and to a very Happy New Year! God Bless.

  3. I hope you are feeling better. Get well soon Teresa. We need you healthy for the New Year.

  4. Teresa, so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope New Years Day will be better and all of 2012 happy and prosperous for you and those you love.


    I hope you are feeling better soon...
