Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Van Jones Admits Left is "Pretending" Need for Regulation in ...

Well, we knew that liberals were and are lying to people about global warming, Cap & Trade, and Green energy  jobs.


  1. Wow. "We won't be able to regulate; we won't be able to tax; we won't be able to sell permits."

    Sounds great to me!

    I must repost this one, Teresa!

  2. I had just seen this video tonight. This guy is really scary. He's brilliant, well spoken, and a Marxist. That is a bad combination.

  3. One big lie based on a lie all while the planet is freezing?

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  5. Well, that's it, then, we need to repeal the Clean Air Act ASAP.

  6. Well, we knew that liberals were and are lying to people about global warming, Cap & Trade, and Green energy jobs. ..true Teres~!

  7. global warming, Cap & Trade, and Green energy jobs -- all end runs around our freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.

  8. I'm afraid he is the new Jessie Jackson
