Friday, January 7, 2011

Howard Dean Admits Obamacare will Wreck Insurance, Doesn’t “Care” If It’s Unconstitutional

H/T Expose Obama 


  1. Dean is a full blown socialist leaning towards communist. The truth us most progressives know this terrible law will create another health care crisis and push people into the uncaring arms of the government.

  2. It's no surprise that Dean doesn't care about the Constitution. None of his ilk do. I agree with John Carey, all they want to do is make all of us dependent on government, then they will be in total control.
    Wishes for a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year, Teresa.

  3. Teresa, I heard this on Hannity or Rush or Medved or Miller or Gallagher or,,,well you know and thanks for posting.

    ARGHHHHHHHHH ! And on to the rest of the country!

  4. Gah! Typical leftist Dem -- one who doesn't care about the Constitution. Isn't that treason?
