Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SICKOS Want Sarah Palin Dead: Twitter Users Wish Death on Palin

H/T Breitbart 

Palin Derangement Syndrome has come out of the woodworks in a major way since the shooting. The Left consists of some seriously disturbed individuals.


  1. My but the left is so filled with love ...

  2. I have no doubt, that had it been Sarah Palin who had been shot in the head, the left would have held fast to the same chant....."It's Sarah Palin's fault!" The left, they never cease to amaze-

  3. Those lefty jerks need to shut up!
    Yet, they are the ones who will decide what is "bad speech" or not! I'm sure this will be allowed.

    I'm SO SICK of these lying, sicko jerks, I can't begin to tell you. It actually gives me a stomach ache.

  4. I can't bring myself to watch this hateful video. That the right is looked upon as intolerant and hateful is a subject we need to address with the idiot left. You are the haters, not us.

  5. Has this just started, or are they just getting amped up?

    I wouldnt be surprised to find they have been saying those same words all along.

    It is no secret that they hate her.

  6. They hate her because she reminds them of REAGAN!!!! the word through the grapevine is that Palin WONT run for President, but intends to support Bachmann (or another solid pro-liberty candidate) instead. I think the best place for Palin is head of the RNC. The job of the RNC Chair is to get face time on TV, get the party message out and do fundraisers. It is likely that Palin would be in charge of restarting domestic energy production assuming Adolph Hussein is ousted in 2012.

  7. By the way, I don't like pimping my own stuff but check this out as it is important.

  8. Andrew,

    That is a great post. I encourage all to stop by and read it.

  9. I love it when the left wakes up the next morning and realize their faces and names are all over the web ... oops.

  10. Gotta love the forces of "tolerance and diversity," don't ya?
