Monday, February 7, 2011

British PM David Cameron Speaks Out Against Islamic Extremism & Multiculturalism

While I disagree with a couple of points which David Cameron states in the very beginning a majority of his speech hits the nail on the head with regard to Islamic extremism.  It sounds like Cameron is willing to confront Islamic Extremism head on.


  1. Uh, oh. Obambi isn't going to like this...

  2. It's about time. They are finally starting to see that they are being overwhelmed by a group of people that desire to fundamentally transform Great Britain. Id it too late???

  3. If you don't assimilate, you should be removed.

  4. I'm with Odie here. You can live where you want to live but your choice has responsibilities attached to it. Multiculturalism is a cancer created by those who wish to see the western way of life fade away (or be blown away, whichever). Thanks for helping us to hear what we must know Ms. Rice. Great post!

  5. is it too late Teres?....Keep up the good fight!
