Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jack Benny vs Groucho


  1. Classic! Humor without @#$%.

    I must say though in our times Jay Leno stays above others in keeping it clean.

    I saw Leno live back in the early 90's in Detroit's Music Hall with a mainly younger (as I was at the time) audience and he did not swear or degrade anything once yet all were laughing hysterically.

    Thanks for the reminder that we can laugh without the use of vulgarity.

  2. Totally hilarious!! Thanks for the chuckle.

  3. I love this. They don't make them like this anymore.

  4. Thanks for the memory

  5. Yup, that brings back much better days. Thanks, kiddo.

  6. I'd a thought Jack Benny would have given up his age for $3000.00. If you ever get the chance, Teresa, try to find the Jack Benny show where he goes into his vault.

  7. They are hilarious. I like benny a little more than groucho, but the 2 of them together is golden.

  8. My daughters laugh like crazy when they watch this old stuff. Would they admit it to their 'oh so cool friends'? I don't think so.

    This clean, family friendly content would sell like gangbusters if was marketed properly. Is anybody listening????
