Monday, March 14, 2011

EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS -- 3-14-11 - Bob Hope Edition


Amusing Bunni's Musings shows us the World's only feline band 

Woodsterman shows us B.J. Novak - 72 Virgins 

Woman Honor Thyself posts "Settlers" killed in the "West Bank" 

Wisdom of Dave posts BYU basketball star suspension more valuable than playing the game 

Why I am Catholic posts on how St. Francis of Assisi spent Lent one time 

What Does the Prayer Really Say? posts "Catholic" Sen. Murkowski supports tax money for abortions 

We The People ... posts Troops on the border 

Virtual Mirage posts on Bloody Mexico and asks Are drug lords terrorists?

Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia posts on How to go to Mass without losing your faith

Trestin Meacham says that He Doesn't buy it 

TOTUS posts The View 

American Perspective shows us Wisconsin union thugs climb capitol walls, harass officials through windows

A Conservative Teacher posts Government causes preventive drug to go from $10 to $1500 

Adrienne's Corner posts Michelle Bachmann/Steve King's letter to Boehner et al . . . 

Allied Liberty News posts an Open letter to the president 

Always On Watch says This is too much! 

America! Oh how we'll miss you! posts Fema Camps? just thinking

Anonymous Political Scientist tells us The Seedy side of the Obama story

Another Black Conservative shows us Katherine Hamm destroying Michael Moore's "national resource" theory

Barking Spider says I will not be censored! 

Goomba News Network posts That's a real bad moon rising 

Theblogprof posts The mask is off: Palestinians celebrate murder of Jewish couple, 3 children including infant, in their sleep 

The Scottcarp Dream shows us liberals trying to distract hearing by crying 

The Right Guy posts Gawker criticizes Bachmann but mangles English language

The Reference Frame posts Richard Muller on "hide the decline" 

The Oh, bama Files posts Turning America into a paper tiger part 1 

The Observatorium asks Twelve times a charm? 

The Malcontent says that Peter King is never afraid to tell it like it is 

The Liberty Sphere posts Sharia the 'norm' for all Islam; antithetical to liberty 

The Libertarian Patriot posts General misunderstandings 

BBCW posts Claire mama Caskill has an ethics issue with private flights and your tax dollars 

Big Blue Wave posts North Dakota Bishops: don't fund groups advocating for abortion, contraception 

Bluegrass Pundit shows us a Governor Christie ad: The choice

Bonsai From the Right asks Was Obama fibbing about oil production? 

Bread Upon the Waters shows us Muslims celebrate the barbaric slaughter of Israeli babies in Gaza

Catholic Fire shows us that Our youth are disgusted with Planned Parenthood

Catholic Once Again asks What did early Christian's believe? 

Christian Conservative posts The Muslim Brotherhood in America Part 1: Understanding the threat

Commentarama posts Backward Christian soldiers 

The Last Tradition shows Conservatives shout down AIDS activists trying to crash Michele Bachmann speech

The Conservative Lady posts Rep. Steve King & Sen. Inhofe introduce official English language bills 

The Catholic Knight posts Morality, economics and America's demise 

The Born Again Americans says These hit the nail on the head

The Blog posts Dog blog Friday 

Talk Wisdom posts Hearings on radicalizing American Muslims 

Stop Marxism posts Pigs forced to live next to mosque in Texas? 

Standing on My Head posts Shahbaz Bhatti - Martyr for the Faith

Social Sense posts Assault on Wisconsin 

Self-Evident Truths posts Andrew Klavan: Behold! your public sector unions at work 

Political Realities posts How to combat rising gas prices? 

The Other McCain says Remain calm! all is well! 

The Camp of the Saints posts A World turned upside down, part 2317

Reaganite Republican posts Reaganite's Sunday funnies 

Randy's Roundtable posts the Picture of the day 

Common Cents shows us Charter school's $125K experiment 

Conservative Perspective posts Uncommon Knowledge - Bruce Thornton, 'The Wages of Appeasement' 

Conservative Scalawag posts ATF and DOJ cover up of Project Gunrunner 

Creative Minority Report posts Another Santorum scandal? 

Eye of Polyphemus shows us the beautiful Billie Piper 

Greg Mankiw's Blog posts the Striking fact of the day 

Innominatus shows us the Union label 

Jim McMahon - Chicago posts Hey Eric Holder: Meet "My" people 

Jo-Joe Politico asks Did this really happen, or didn't it? 

Just a Conservative Girl posts Some words of wisdom from Fred Thompson

Just an Artist shows us an Amazing ride 

Left Coast Rebel posts Al Franken partially right - but it's only part of the story

Confessions of a Thirty Something Cybertronian posts For Lent, .. Let's give up 'Social Justice' 

Let the Truth Be Known has a Special Lenten message - How the mighty has fallen 

Legal Insurrection posts Outrage at the children then, At the parents now 

Pundit & Pundette posts Milton Friedman on Socialism 

Proof Positive posts Themes like old times 

Conservative Hideout posts More Union thuggery: Wisconsin businesses allegedly threatened

Paladin's Page posts Theory vs. Reality Reprise 

Sentry Journal asks Why does the Left target the youth? 

Sentry Journal posts The Meaning of martyrdom 

Pathetically Incorrect posts The Bill Minnich bend over bull brigade: Part 2 

Robbing America says that Conservatives got their Helen Thomas 

Maggie's Notebook posts P.J. Crowley Resigns: Skunk habitat - one down 

The Country Thinker posts We'll run a deficit even if the government "shuts-down!"

Othometer says Take That Hippies! 

Nonsensible Shoes posts Emerging Markets Overheating, inflationary

Nikon Sniper posts Prayers for people of Japan  

New Zeal posts A little history on Obama's favorite socialist thug, Dick Trumka 

My Daily Trek shows us a comic that Makes you Really think, huh? 

Motivation Truth shows us Governor Palin on Hannity 

Mind Numbed Robot posts Japan Earthquake & Tsunami videos 

Lone Star Parson posts on Angels 

Battle Beads Blog posts Pope says Priests must teach the truth in its entirety 

Always Catholic posts a Review of "TheCatholicViewforWomen" on EWTN 


  1. Wow. This is one of the best link posts ever. I love Bob Hope. I say that in the present tense because when there are so many films of a person, it is almost as if they are still with us. How lucky we are to be able to continue to enjoy his humor through the years. Thanks, T.

  2. Thanks for the link, Teresa. I do appreciate it.

  3. That sure brought back some great memories Teresa!

    And thanks for the link once again!

    p.s., Still very happy about Baby Joesph!

  4. Bob Hope definitely belongs on your EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS post, Teresa. I'm glad my salute to 72 virgins made it too. Thank You!

  5. That video of Cagney and Hope dancing is wonderful.

    Oh, for the days of such hoofers!

  6. Forgot to say....Thank you for the link!

  7. Thanks for the link Teresa. I didn't see this earlier in the week.
