Thursday, March 17, 2011

Has Anyone Else Gotten This Message on Their Blog - Warning: Something's Not Right Here?

I just found this on my site this morning.  Has anyone seen this message whose been to my blog today?  Does anyone know how to fix it?  Please email me at if you know a solution for this problem or have any suggestions on how to fix it.

But, when I followed the directions, following what google suggested to try and fix this issue I got this message shown below so I am confused at this point in time.

 Please help!  I may have to use one or both of my two other blog sites more on a full-time basis while this is getting taken care of.  This is really irking me off!  


  1. No problems here yet Teresa, But will keep you posted

  2. I haven't noticed anything weird. My anti-malware software hasn't complained about your place, either. I'm guessing it is some kind of google/blogger hiccup.

  3. Thanks Randy, Inno, and Supi.

    Hmmm.... but, I'm still puzzled and hope I can solve this weird mystery.
