My blog shares ideas regarding Sociology,Conservative Politics, Catholic beliefs, current events, personal stories, Philosophy, humor and entertainment news.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Condemns Communists & Talks on the Church and Communism
His words are wise and are as pertinent today as they were when he spoke them back then. So, there are no Communists today trying to overthrow our country today? Praying for you to stop the hate.
BTW - by your standard this country should say to heck with the Constitution and disregard what George Washington stated and I know you don't believe that.
If you come here and make false accusations, continue to say hateful words instead of acting with charity about a man who clearly loved Christ and His Church and particularly on my posts related to the Catholic Church I am going to be forced to respectfully ask you to stop commenting on those posts.
Will you please state where I showed hate? You continue this line yet show no proof?
What he says is true, I just say that is does not reflect the larger point of the Church and never has and that is backed-up by fact.
This is not "hate"! This is reality!
As a child I did indeed not only listen to his sermons (replayed) but as an adult agreed. My contention is that the Church itself ignored him and does to this day!
You point the finger of hate on the wrong party for it is not me.
Furthermore, Why is it that if I or possibly any frickin person on God's green Earth that might, just possibly might, disagree with you, you deem it hate?
"Teresa, This guy is an icon of the Cold War of yesteryear.
Do you honestly believe that what he speak of is held in the same regard of today?
If I myself did not know the name so as to counter-act this with respect, do you honestly believe that others younger than we would?
His views do not, or ever did, represent the Church but rather that of his own.
Lets try to be up-to-date shall we."
Your whole comment is out of line and uncharitable to say the least.
His views are in line with the Church and that is indisputable. Christ created His Church, is the center of the Catholic Church and always will be.
I challenge you to do a post on why you disagree with the Catholic Church critically and with facts to back up your points. Your simply stating words of fiction does not make it reality just because you believe it to be so.
Listen, think about the difference in the way you responded to my post about catholic Health Care on my Tu Ne Cede blog versus how your words were today. One set of comments were charitable whereas the other had an air of hostility to them.
"Furthermore, Why is it that if I or possibly any frickin person on God's green Earth that might, just possibly might, disagree with you, you deem it hate?
Sounds like a liberal to me."
Just expecting respect from another conservative toward myself, my religious beliefs, and all my posts, not just the ones you agree with but if a fellow so-called conservative can't handle that than that is pathetic. Liberals are the ones who are supposed to be bigoted or hostile towards ones religion not conservatives.
"Your whole comment is out of line and uncharitable to say the least"
This is the blogsphere, if you canot stand the heat,,,,,,
-"Out of line"? Really, why? just who deemed you the arbitor of truth or that of decorum?
-"uncharitable"? OK, I accept that, but then again I was not meaning to be, so whats your point? Should those that read this accept your view willy-nilly being "charitible" or be human and smell the damn coffee?
Ya know Teresa, You have stated in the past as an "insider", that is the best place to reform the Church to which I tend to agree,
It is beyond my realm of understaning being a believer and follower in Christ that you call critism of the heirarchy "hate" as Jesus Christ did the very same?
"It is beyond my realm of understaning being a believer and follower in Christ that you call critism of the heirarchy "hate" as Jesus Christ did the very same?"
Archbishop Fulton Sheen is a person who fought against Communism, against scandal and liberalism, and stood for the Truth. He would be against the liberal distorted view of Catholicism like Pelosi believes in today. She should have been excommunicated years ago.
I criticize both the Church hierarchy and the USCCB but I bring specifics to the table whenever I criticize them but you don't bring facts to back up your points or attacks on the Church. Plus, you attacked a faith filled Christian man who had a great ethic. And, then you go on attacking me for posting a video of a person who stood for Truth years ago, and stood against Communism. I just won't allow for my being disrespected when I simply posted two videos.
Who in the hierarchy to Jesus criticize? Jesus created the Church. His criticisms of the Temple hierarchy was different from that of the Church hierarchy.
Yo Chris, you are biting into one of the hottest peppers in Pennsylvania son. You are also questioning what was old school. As she states very correctly, if what the Archbishop says is outdated, what are your views on The Holy word itself? The internet may be the haven of the young, but that just means few know the past, and the past is the truth, and the truth is what these young people need. Ms. Rice knows the truth and takes pains to make sure her friends have it. She is proven dependable. I know it's hard to know what to do when you're told what to do....Just do it. Ok?
You say;" you attacked a faith filled Christian man who had a great ethic. And, then you go on attacking me for posting a video of a person who stood for Truth years ago, and stood against Communism"
Please show me where I did?
I simply pointed out the difference of then and now?
Then; " I just won't allow for my being disrespected when I simply posted two videos'
What? I was not disrespecting you but you sure are me! This can be solved by not allowing comments at all!
Then your big one,,,,
"Who in the hierarchy to Jesus criticize? Jesus created the Church. His criticisms of the Temple hierarchy was different from that of the Church hierarchy"
That is called hypocrisy, if we cannot deem and admit humans fallible in the earthly running of Jesus' Church then none of us, repeat none are worthy of His trust,,period.
Yo Eric, You Sir have no idea who I am, my history or any clue to what I say and you are the one stepping into something you know nothing of,word to the wise; stay out of it or get knee deep as I hit high and wide,,ok?
You are absurd. I did not disrespect you. You disrespected me by the way you objected to and complained about the so-called outdated views of a man of "Cold War Yesteryear" as you referred to him.
The Truth is the Truth, and there are many valuable lessons which can be learned from the past. Your modernistic view which says abandon wise words and words that defended Truth just because they are in a different time period is nonsensical.
Humans are fallible so what is your point? But, you consistently attack the Church for simply being the Church and don't simply criticize the human beings with facts to back your criticisms or claims up.
You are going overboard here, I was not criticizing the good Rev. but simply saying his words are lost on those running the Church today. Will you please get a grip on this!
The past is what I want, not this BS, leftist crap of one world order Benedict is pushing off as Christianity that YOU adhere too and the Rev. in the videos warns against and I agree.
Christopher, "leftist crap of one world order Benedict is pushing off as Christianity that YOU adhere too and the Rev. in the videos warns against and I agree."
Pope Benedict is not pushing the New World Order. Their may be some Cardinals within the Vatican spewing that Leftist garbage but not him. The Catholic Church is not a liberal Church but in fact follows the way of Christ.
Let's see here: Liberals are for abortion. The Church is against abortion and fights it tooth and nail. Liberals are for gay "marriage" and the Church is against gay "marriage" and has and will continue to fight it with great resolve. The Church is against moral relativism whereas liberals are for or promote moral relativism. That is just to name a few examples of how your claim that the Church in which I follow believes in "leftist crap" is beyond absurd.
You seem to be buying into the perverted Nancy Pelosi distorted version of Catholicism as the true Catholicism when it isn't. Please do some research before you keep on stating falsehoods and absurd accusations without backing them up with facts.
"You seem to be buying into the perverted Nancy Pelosi distorted version of Catholicism as the true Catholicism when it isn't. Please do some research before you keep on stating falsehoods and absurd accusations without backing them up with facts"
That is exactly what you are doing!
I know of the Church (if you will allow that comment?) well before you, I, or Satans whore Pelosi where born and that is what I believe in. Oh, that includes Constantine too!
There you go spewing falsehoods without backing up your accusations with facts. You are filled with so much hatred for the Church, since you left the faith, that you can't see reality or the Truth.
The Church is essentially the same as it was during Constantine. The fact that you are unable to decipher the difference between Nancy Pelosi and myself or the difference between the false version and true Catholicism is really sad and pathetic. Nancy Pelosi believes in the San Francisco - anything that undermines the Catholic Church - Church but I believe in the exact opposite as her. You obviously haven't gotten the foggiest clue as to what the true beliefs of the Catholic Church actually are in reality. You seen to be believing in the buggy man version of the Church which doesn't exist. Humans can pervert the Truth or obfuscate the Truth as Pelosi and other liberals have done but I am clearly not a liberal. I do not try to undermine the Magisterium as she does. The Church's main precepts have stayed the same for 2000 years.
So far I haven't seen any facts to back up your claims.
"So far I haven't seen any facts to back up your claims"
Can we go back to your post? What facts do you seek?
In my very first comment I agreed to what the Rev. said so that matter is not of contention, correct?
I did however elude to his words are LOST on Benedict and ilk and that is a matter of fact. If you really want me to do a post on it I will but guess that you really do not.
I wear my Faith proudly and have very thick skin, so I take no offense as to any attack my Faith which you have done to the best of your ability but is also an exercises in futility.
I cannot be shaken from the true Church of Jesus Christ as Hell is not an option,,,for me.
Alright Teresa I will, but again you will not like it nor will I.
As to age, I am 46 years on this Earth and the reason I ask (though not polite being you are a Lady) is that I spent near half of those years with the Catholics, can you boast the same?
I know not why you take this so personally as I did not attack you but can definitely guarantee you will mot like my post on this, the truth hurts,,,big time.
Teresa, Should I understand you to be younger than 33 then as you said over?
The reason for this inquiry is history within the Church.
When I say my age, 46, I mean to inform you I was Baptised at Birth into Roman Catholsism and recieved all Sacrements except Marrige (Wife Lutheren) and Last Right's 9obviously I am alive).
Like Eric, I don't know you. But I wouldn't need to know you to be able form a rational judgment about your behavior here. Why you thought Eric needed to know you personally in order to comment on your behavior in my wife's blog is a bit of a mystery. I think you are the one who needs to be set straight about that, sir. You are commenting in a blog, not engaging in a private conversation. I have seen your blog, so I know that you are not an irrational person in general. But there is one topic that has repeatedly caused you to lose your grip. It's a pattern that you have shown, and I would never need to see your bio to know that you are a former Catholic with a grudge against the Church. You are all too obvious, and your irrational hatred for all things that remind you of your religious upbringing causes you to become very disagreeable and even outright disrespectful to people who do not deserve such treatment from you. I am glad you are taking up the gauntlet thrown down by Teresa, because I intend to respond to every point you make. Be prepared either to defend every proposition you present to contradict to those taught by the Catholic Church, or to leave me the last word. But be warned sir - while it is barely possible, it is still highly unlikely, that in your 46 years you have ever met the likes of me: a Catholic who knows how to defend the faith and not only knows Catholicism better than you do (which is a lot easier than you seem to think), but may well understand your doctrinal departures from it as well as you do if not better. Take this warning seriously.
Wouldn't that be nice? If I wasn't subjected to such hostility when topics related to the Catholicism came up then maybe we could have a decent conversation hashing out the issues.
Teresa, This guy is an icon of the Cold War of yesteryear.
ReplyDeleteDo you honestly believe that what he speak of is held in the same regard of today?
If I myself did not know the name so as to counter-act this with respect, do you honestly believe that others younger than we would?
His views do not, or ever did, represent the Church but rather that of his own.
Lets try to be up-to-date shall we.
ReplyDeleteHis words are wise and are as pertinent today as they were when he spoke them back then. So, there are no Communists today trying to overthrow our country today? Praying for you to stop the hate.
BTW - by your standard this country should say to heck with the Constitution and disregard what George Washington stated and I know you don't believe that.
If you come here and make false accusations, continue to say hateful words instead of acting with charity about a man who clearly loved Christ and His Church and particularly on my posts related to the Catholic Church I am going to be forced to respectfully ask you to stop commenting on those posts.
ReplyDeleteWill you please state where I showed hate? You continue this line yet show no proof?
What he says is true, I just say that is does not reflect the larger point of the Church and never has and that is backed-up by fact.
This is not "hate"! This is reality!
As a child I did indeed not only listen to his sermons (replayed) but as an adult agreed. My contention is that the Church itself ignored him and does to this day!
You point the finger of hate on the wrong party for it is not me.
Furthermore, Why is it that if I or possibly any frickin person on God's green Earth that might, just possibly might, disagree with you, you deem it hate?
ReplyDeleteSounds like a liberal to me.
"Teresa, This guy is an icon of the Cold War of yesteryear.
ReplyDeleteDo you honestly believe that what he speak of is held in the same regard of today?
If I myself did not know the name so as to counter-act this with respect, do you honestly believe that others younger than we would?
His views do not, or ever did, represent the Church but rather that of his own.
Lets try to be up-to-date shall we."
Your whole comment is out of line and uncharitable to say the least.
His views are in line with the Church and that is indisputable. Christ created His Church, is the center of the Catholic Church and always will be.
I challenge you to do a post on why you disagree with the Catholic Church critically and with facts to back up your points. Your simply stating words of fiction does not make it reality just because you believe it to be so.
ReplyDeleteListen, think about the difference in the way you responded to my post about catholic Health Care on my Tu Ne Cede blog versus how your words were today. One set of comments were charitable whereas the other had an air of hostility to them.
"Furthermore, Why is it that if I or possibly any frickin person on God's green Earth that might, just possibly might, disagree with you, you deem it hate?
ReplyDeleteSounds like a liberal to me."
Just expecting respect from another conservative toward myself, my religious beliefs, and all my posts, not just the ones you agree with but if a fellow so-called conservative can't handle that than that is pathetic. Liberals are the ones who are supposed to be bigoted or hostile towards ones religion not conservatives.
My Dear Teresa,
ReplyDelete"Your whole comment is out of line and uncharitable to say the least"
This is the blogsphere, if you canot stand the heat,,,,,,
-"Out of line"? Really, why? just who deemed you the arbitor of truth or that of decorum?
-"uncharitable"? OK, I accept that, but then again I was not meaning to be, so whats your point?
Should those that read this accept your view willy-nilly being "charitible" or be human and smell the damn coffee?
Ya know Teresa, You have stated in the past as an "insider", that is the best place to reform the Church to which I tend to agree,
ReplyDeleteIt is beyond my realm of understaning being a believer and follower in Christ that you call critism of the heirarchy "hate" as Jesus Christ did the very same?
"It is beyond my realm of understaning being a believer and follower in Christ that you call critism of the heirarchy "hate" as Jesus Christ did the very same?"
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Fulton Sheen is a person who fought against Communism, against scandal and liberalism, and stood for the Truth. He would be against the liberal distorted view of Catholicism like Pelosi believes in today. She should have been excommunicated years ago.
I criticize both the Church hierarchy and the USCCB but I bring specifics to the table whenever I criticize them but you don't bring facts to back up your points or attacks on the Church. Plus, you attacked a faith filled Christian man who had a great ethic. And, then you go on attacking me for posting a video of a person who stood for Truth years ago, and stood against Communism. I just won't allow for my being disrespected when I simply posted two videos.
Who in the hierarchy to Jesus criticize?
Jesus created the Church. His criticisms of the Temple hierarchy was different from that of the Church hierarchy.
Yo Chris, you are biting into one of the hottest peppers in Pennsylvania son. You are also questioning what was old school. As she states very correctly, if what the Archbishop says is outdated, what are your views on The Holy word itself? The internet may be the haven of the young, but that just means few know the past, and the past is the truth, and the truth is what these young people need. Ms. Rice knows the truth and takes pains to make sure her friends have it. She is proven dependable. I know it's hard to know what to do when you're told what to do....Just do it. Ok?
ReplyDeleteYou say;" you attacked a faith filled Christian man who had a great ethic. And, then you go on attacking me for posting a video of a person who stood for Truth years ago, and stood against Communism"
Please show me where I did?
I simply pointed out the difference of then and now?
Then; " I just won't allow for my being disrespected when I simply posted two videos'
What? I was not disrespecting you but you sure are me! This can be solved by not allowing comments at all!
Then your big one,,,,
"Who in the hierarchy to Jesus criticize?
Jesus created the Church. His criticisms of the Temple hierarchy was different from that of the Church hierarchy"
That is called hypocrisy, if we cannot deem and admit humans fallible in the earthly running of Jesus' Church then none of us, repeat none are worthy of His trust,,period.
Yo Eric, You Sir have no idea who I am, my history or any clue to what I say and you are the one stepping into something you know nothing of,word to the wise; stay out of it or get knee deep as I hit high and wide,,ok?
ReplyDeleteYou are absurd. I did not disrespect you. You disrespected me by the way you objected to and complained about the so-called outdated views of a man of "Cold War Yesteryear" as you referred to him.
The Truth is the Truth, and there are many valuable lessons which can be learned from the past. Your modernistic view which says abandon
wise words and words that defended Truth just because they are in a different time period is nonsensical.
Humans are fallible so what is your point? But, you consistently attack the Church for simply being the Church and don't simply criticize the human beings with facts to back your criticisms or claims up.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your support Eric. You are such a Blessing and a Godsend.
ReplyDeleteYou are going overboard here, I was not criticizing the good Rev. but simply saying his words are lost on those running the Church today. Will you please get a grip on this!
The past is what I want, not this BS, leftist crap of one world order Benedict is pushing off as Christianity that YOU adhere too and the Rev. in the videos warns against and I agree.
Actually I want a very old past returned, that is before the Vatican ordered the death of Fighting Christians known as the Templar Knights.
ReplyDeleteYou want the past, well lets go for it!
I and you want the Church of Jesus and His Father to survive, well dammit we have to fight for it!
Remember though who killed those Christian Soldiers,,the Vatican.
ReplyDelete"leftist crap of one world order Benedict is pushing off as Christianity that YOU adhere too and the Rev. in the videos warns against and I agree."
Pope Benedict is not pushing the New World Order. Their may be some Cardinals within the Vatican spewing that Leftist garbage but not him. The Catholic Church is not a liberal Church but in fact follows the way of Christ.
Let's see here: Liberals are for abortion. The Church is against abortion and fights it tooth and nail. Liberals are for gay "marriage" and the Church is against gay "marriage" and has and will continue to fight it with great resolve.
The Church is against moral relativism whereas liberals are for or promote moral relativism. That is just to name a few examples of how your claim that the Church in which I follow believes in "leftist crap" is beyond absurd.
You seem to be buying into the perverted Nancy Pelosi distorted version of Catholicism as the true Catholicism when it isn't. Please do some research before you keep on stating falsehoods and absurd accusations without backing them up with facts.
"You seem to be buying into the perverted Nancy Pelosi distorted version of Catholicism as the true Catholicism when it isn't. Please do some research before you keep on stating falsehoods and absurd accusations without backing them up with facts"
That is exactly what you are doing!
I know of the Church (if you will allow that comment?) well before you, I, or Satans whore Pelosi where born and that is what I believe in. Oh, that includes Constantine too!
"That is exactly what you are doing!"
ReplyDeleteThere you go spewing falsehoods without backing up your accusations with facts. You are filled with so much hatred for the Church, since you left the faith, that you can't see reality or the Truth.
The Church is essentially the same as it was during Constantine. The fact that you are unable to decipher the difference between Nancy Pelosi and myself or the difference between the false version and true Catholicism is really sad and pathetic. Nancy Pelosi believes in the San Francisco - anything that undermines the Catholic Church - Church but I believe in the exact opposite as her. You obviously haven't gotten the foggiest clue as to what the true beliefs of the Catholic Church actually are in reality. You seen to be believing in the buggy man version of the Church which doesn't exist. Humans can pervert the Truth or obfuscate the Truth as Pelosi and other liberals have done but I am clearly not a liberal. I do not try to undermine the Magisterium as she does. The Church's main precepts have stayed the same for 2000 years.
So far I haven't seen any facts to back up your claims.
"So far I haven't seen any facts to back up your claims"
ReplyDeleteCan we go back to your post? What facts do you seek?
In my very first comment I agreed to what the Rev. said so that matter is not of contention, correct?
I did however elude to his words are LOST on Benedict and ilk and that is a matter of fact. If you really want me to do a post on it I will but guess that you really do not.
I wear my Faith proudly and have very thick skin, so I take no offense as to any attack my Faith which you have done to the best of your ability but is also an exercises in futility.
I cannot be shaken from the true Church of Jesus Christ as Hell is not an option,,,for me.
Teresa, How old are you?
ReplyDelete"Teresa, How old are you?"
ReplyDeleteWhy do you need to know?
"I did however elude to his words are LOST on Benedict and ilk and that is a matter of fact."
You are still casting aspersions without backing up your claims with fact.
"If you really want me to do a post on it I will but guess that you really do not."
I would love for you to do a post on it.
Alright Teresa I will, but again you will not like it nor will I.
ReplyDeleteAs to age, I am 46 years on this Earth and the reason I ask (though not polite being you are a Lady) is that I spent near half of those years with the Catholics, can you boast the same?
I know not why you take this so personally as I did not attack you but can definitely guarantee you will mot like my post on this, the truth hurts,,,big time.
That's right, you will find out that the Truth will hurt you much moreso than it will hurt me, if it hurts me at all.
ReplyDeleteI have spent over 33 years following Catholicism.
Looking forward to your post.
Teresa, Should I understand you to be younger than 33 then as you said over?
ReplyDeleteThe reason for this inquiry is history within the Church.
When I say my age, 46, I mean to inform you I was Baptised at Birth into Roman Catholsism and recieved all Sacrements except Marrige (Wife Lutheren) and Last Right's 9obviously I am alive).
Where do you stand in the Church?
ReplyDeleteI meant over 33 years since I was baptized as a baby (within a month or two of my birth) and I am less than a month away from turning 34.
I wish you kids would just play nice.
ReplyDeleteLike Eric, I don't know you. But I wouldn't need to know you to be able form a rational judgment about your behavior here. Why you thought Eric needed to know you personally in order to comment on your behavior in my wife's blog is a bit of a mystery. I think you are the one who needs to be set straight about that, sir. You are commenting in a blog, not engaging in a private conversation. I have seen your blog, so I know that you are not an irrational person in general. But there is one topic that has repeatedly caused you to lose your grip. It's a pattern that you have shown, and I would never need to see your bio to know that you are a former Catholic with a grudge against the Church. You are all too obvious, and your irrational hatred for all things that remind you of your religious upbringing causes you to become very disagreeable and even outright disrespectful to people who do not deserve such treatment from you. I am glad you are taking up the gauntlet thrown down by Teresa, because I intend to respond to every point you make. Be prepared either to defend every proposition you present to contradict to those taught by the Catholic Church, or to leave me the last word. But be warned sir - while it is barely possible, it is still highly unlikely, that in your 46 years you have ever met the likes of me: a Catholic who knows how to defend the faith and not only knows Catholicism better than you do (which is a lot easier than you seem to think), but may well understand your doctrinal departures from it as well as you do if not better. Take this warning seriously.
Teresa's Loving Husband,
"I wish you kids would just play nice."
ReplyDeleteWouldn't that be nice? If I wasn't subjected to such hostility when topics related to the Catholicism came up then maybe we could have a decent conversation hashing out the issues.