Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rule 5 Posting - Gwyneth Paltrow: Getting Fit & Thin

Here is a slideshow of Gwyneth Paltrow's favorite recipes.  Her healthy recipes include no-fry fries, juicy roast chicken, fudgy chocolate brownies and more!

Here are some of Gwyneth Paltrow's ab and arm moves, custom-designed by Tracy Anderson.

Please go check out these other rule 5 posts: 

Maggie has 26 conservative women. Please do go over and vote for your favorite. 

James at Reaganite Republican has his very first rule 5 post - Biggest bust in the history of the Michigan State Police

The Watcher has the very pretty Michelle Trachtenberg

Woodsterman has some good music with the JaneDear Girls 


  1. I love her character in the Ironman movies. Thanks for the link Teresa.

  2. Linked at RR, have a great weekend Teresa

  3. I'm not a huge movie fan, but who can forget her love scene in "Shakespear In Love"... Well from a guys perspective... She certainly is pleasing on the eyes...

  4. Thank you Teresa. Those pancakes look amazing and what a great tip to make the batter the night before. I love Gwyneth in Shakespeare in Love.

  5. Teresa love the post. Love the blog. I've linked you twice in my Rule 5 featuring January Jones.
