Any person who pays attention to politics and the news knows by now that Rick Santorum is running for President. I must say I am quite impressed with Rick Santorum. I admire the way he stands up for his beliefs, and the way he speaks out on the various issues. The man has a backbone and we need someone who is willing to stand up to and challenge Obama. Plus, he understands or *gets* the whole Muslim extremism problem. One of my non-negotiable issues is abortion and Santorum is a stanch defender of life. I agree with pretty much everything he said in this interview. I agree with him on approximately 98% of the issues, if not all the issues. At this point I have to say he is on the top of my list of all the presidential GOP primary contenders.
Kevin Ferris from interviewed Rick Santorum. Here is the interview:
Rick Santorum, presidential candidate and former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, was in town last week for a talk on health care. Afterward, I asked him about his run for president, the perception that he's too dogmatic on issues, and his differences with President Obama on the economy, the budget, and foreign policy.
Too dogmatic? If the concern is that I'm someone who believes in increasing people's power and limiting government's power, the answer is, yes, then I am pretty black and white about that.
The key to success of America is limited government and a belief in people's ability, given the opportunity, to provide for themselves, their family, and their community. I think government's role should be limited. And that's a basic foundational constitutional principle that I espoused when I was in Congress and the Senate. . . . Is that black and white? I think it's principled, and I think that it's principled based on what's worked in America. . . .
If you look at my service in the United States Senate . . . there were many, many opportunities that I did work with people on the other side, when we found common ground. I always felt it was very important to be civil. I didn't always accomplish it, but thought it was important to be civil, and to respect people's opinions on the other side. To challenge them, to show where they were wrong, if I believed they were wrong, but not to condemn people for their beliefs.
How to win over voters after losing in 2006 by 18 points? Six years ago, [U.S. Sen.] Mike DeWine . . . lost by 12 points in Ohio. Last year, he ran for attorney general . . . and he beat a sitting attorney general, after losing by 12 points. . . .
So I look at it as, yes, we had a bad year [in 2006]. I stood up for what I believed in and, as you know, during that election didn't flinch. Argued for more involvement in Iraq, not less. Argued for engaging and confronting Iran, which was something nobody wanted to hear. I mean, I was called a warmonger by every paper, including yours. I stood up and said we have to do Social Security reform. . . .
I think if you look at what I said and measure, what I said then and what I'm saying now is pretty much the same thing. And I think if you look at where the people of Pennsylvania were then and where they are now, they're much more aligned with me than they were in 2006. Things change. . . .
[I]f you're looking for someone who's going to stand up and fight for what they believe in, in good times and bad, someone you can trust is going to stand for the convictions he campaigns on, and not flip-flop on everything once he gets into office, I think I have a pretty good track record in Congress and in elections that I don't do that.
Federal budget and spending? I support the [U.S. Rep. Paul] Ryan budget, and the idea that we need to look at all the entitlement programs, including Medicare and Social Security. . . . I think we need to be honest with the American public that we have serious problems and that we can't just wait to solve them in the future. . . . The idea of cutting things in the future and not dealing with them now, you tend not to get those cuts in the future and tend to have the same problem we have now. . . .
I always use the . . . cost-of-living increase for Social Security [as an example]. . . . There's an inflation index that we use to increase Social Security payments. . . . And I ask seniors, would you support a system that ties Social Security to the Consumer Price Index? [They say yes, but] that's not what happens. That's not what we do. . . .
We don't tie it to price inflation. [We tie it to] wage inflation. . . . We shouldn't. It has nothing to do with Social Security beneficiaries. Wage inflation is a result of productivity gains within the economy, which seniors have nothing to do with. So you say, what's that matter? Well, historically, wages go up faster than prices. So what's happening is that Social Security beneficiaries are getting more of an increase than they would have if we tied it to prices.
So my point is, if we make that change, believe it or not, that solves almost half the problems of Social Security. And no one wants to do it. Why? Because you're cutting senior benefits.
President Obama surged troops into Afghanistan, increased drone attacks, kept Gitmo open, backed down on civilian trials for terrorist suspects, and got Osama bin Laden. What's not to like? All Bush policies. So he's done a great job in carrying forward on the strategic vision of George Bush. Where he has had to develop policy, he's gotten it wrong every single time. Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Honduras . . . keep going down the list. Every one of these areas he's made the wrong strategic decision for America. He's either refused to lead or he sided with the wrong side. . . .
Egypt, looks like he sided with the Muslim Brotherhood - which looks to be taking over Egypt - not with our allies. Threw them under the bus like that.
Syria, seems to be siding with [Syrian President Bashar] Assad, as he is shooting his people in the streets.
Libya, dithers, doesn't engage, says [Libyan leader Moammar] Gadhafi has to go, and then the United Nations moves him and pushes him to get involved, but under the condition that Gadhafi doesn't go. It is an incomprehensible policy that is not going to resolve the situation there to any kind of good end.
Honduras, we sided with . . . [Jose] Zelaya, the [Honduran] president who wanted to extend his term, which was against the constitution. They went through the democratic process of the courts, and the congress, to remove this president who had violated the constitution, and what did we do? We sided with [Venezuelan President Hugo] Chavez, who was trying to get [Zelaya] to run for reelection so he could take over Honduras like Chavez took over Venezuela.
It's just one [situation] after another where we embrace our enemies and we turn our back on our allies. It's going to lead to a situation where our enemies aren't going to respect us and our friends aren't going to trust us.
The economy? I would do the opposite of what this president is doing. I would not be dramatically expanding the size and scope of government, and spending more money and increasing our debt, which I think is a destabilizing effect on our economy. I would not be passing huge comprehensive bills to take over sectors of the economy. . . . I would not be putting forth regulations that further inhibit growth in this country like the EPA's regulation of carbon dioxide. . . . And he goes out and beats up on business regularly. . . . So the tone is negative, the regulatory environment is negative, the legislative environment is negative. It's all pressing down on our ability to encourage people in this country to invest and grow their businesses. . . .
I would repeal Obamacare. I would dramatically change if not repeal most of Dodd-Frank. I would also throw Sarbanes-Oxley in there, too. [We should] start believing in refereeing private-sector markets rather than the referees getting on the field and telling the players how to run their plays - and by the way changing the rules of the game . . . in the middle of the game.
So, lower taxes, not just a continuation of the Bush tax cuts, but absolutely have to look at the corporate income taxes, the fact that they are so high in this country. I haven't put together a tax plan yet. I'm working on it, but it would be a plan that is simpler - tax simplification is to me is a very, very important thing. . . . That's the direction I think we need.
Zilla of the Resistance has an excellent post called How About Rick Santorum For President? which spotlights Santorum and has posted an outstanding speech that he gave at the National Press Club recently. I recommend to everyone to go over and check out Zilla's post.
Hopefully, we can weed out those who don't really have the "fire in the belly", like Huckabee & Trump. I think Santorum is a great candidate and I like him a lot.
As for his loss in 2006...that was a bad year for the GOP all around, not just Santorum.
I wish him luck!
I've met him twice during 2010 campaign when I was working for our district candidate. Santorum came twice for a fundraiser for our guy. He is the nicest man and he gave a speech so powerful it made all of us cry.
For me its too early to decide and support, but I do like him.
I like Rick Santorum. I can't believe PA voted in Casey over him. Casey is all about big government. What a shame.
I think he did poor in the debate, but will wait and see.
I thought that he did pretty well and that he tied for 2nd with Ron Paul in the debate. Ron Paul is a formidable contender and I would vote for him if Santorum drops out of the race.
Pa looked at his last name and thought that he'd be like his father. Plus, he claimed to be pro-life but hasn't stood up for pro-life principles since having been elected. Pa got snookered but in my opinion no person should assume the son upholds the same values as his father unless their is evidence to prove it.
That's great! I have never met the guy but he seems very nice and is definitely in line with both my values and political views.
That's funny, I thought Trump brought some pizazz to the race. He wasn't one of my favorites but I was keeping an open mind toward him as a candidate. But, I am glad in many ways that he stuck with his TV show. Huckabee I like very much and would much rather he be running than Newt. I think people misread Huck because of his diplomatic or cordial way he treats people on the opposite side of the aisle but he pretty much believes in the same values as Santorum. Yes 2006 was a bad year. I think Santorum can get over that hurdle.
There are a couple I like and so many I don't. He's one of the likable ones. By the time the primary gets to my state it will probably be decided. I just hope the previous states can refrain from picking a McCain like candidate.
Great interview, thanks for sharing, and thank you for the linky love!
Rick Santorum is great! 2006 was a bad year for real Conservatives. When you have the MSM pounding Conservatives and American values, every day, it is tough for Conservatives to get fair airtime. As far as Trump, he asked the tough questions of Barry and got the so-called Birth Certificate. Trump was right, the MSM lets Barry get away with anything for they fear being called racist. I wish Rick Santorum could get the proper respect. He is MUCH better than BHO!
thanks Teres for all the info..sorely needed!..I love Allen West!
I like Mr. Santorum, but I am still favoring Hermain Cain. We'll see.
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