Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Condoleezza Rice on Bin Laden's Death; Says Patience Paid Off


  1. I really miss her as Secretary of State. And yet, the honored her the title Madam Secretary.

    She is not the only one surprised that Bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan. Wonder if anyone from the Obama administration will address that issue.

  2. Well said, CR. That bad man had it coming; now he'll have to contend with his promised virgins...

  3. I really liked Condi Rice, even more when I found out that she, an accomplished pianist, had Led Zeppelin on her ipod...

    Eric, that's the first time I ever heard that and it was correct...

  4. Condi is a renaissance woman, and was also noted for her honesty and clarity of vision in the Middle East.

  5. Leticia,

    She was a good Secretary of State and I miss her too. I wonder if this administration is competent enough to address that issue. You never know with them.


    Condi did speak well. Thank God for our military.

  6. Born Again,

    I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that CR was an accomplished pianist. Pretty cool...


    You are absolutely right. Thanks for your comment.
