Monday, May 16, 2011

EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS -- 5-16-11 -- EAGLES Edition


American Perspective -- Sen. Inhofe describes pictures of Osama Bin Laden death photos

Acts of The Apostasy -- Conspiracies and controversies

Adrienne's Corner -- Obama: classless, clueless, and crude...

Allied Liberty News -- Who sets gas prices at the pump?

Always On Watch -- Ummah and Osama Bin Laden 

Amusing Bunni's Musings -- Are You a real man?

Anonymous Political Scientist -- Dr. Drew on Kenneth Thomas, mental health issues, and the famous Ephblog

Another Black Conservative -- Mike Huckabee will not run in 2012

Atlas Shrugs -- Beck announces 'Restoring Courage' rally in Israel this August

It Don't Make Sense - Yet another environmentalist feel-good hoax 

A Conservative Teacher -- Democratic Senate vs. Republican House on gas prices

A Patriotic Rottweiler -- Wikileaks exposes North American integration plot

A Western Heart -- Islamic hospital 

BBCW -- Buy a Chevrolet, Buick, or GM with you Pell grants and Federal student loans

Beers, Bicycles, and VRWC -- It bears repeating

Beer, Guns, and Baseball -- The Phillips Curve is wrong, stupid, and bogus

Big Blue Wave -- Prochoice Fail 

Black or White is a Choice -- Heading back to the Dark Ages?

Blog De King Shamus -- Culture, Islam, and the sting of failure

Blowing San #1 -- The persecution game is on, NOW!!

Bluegrass Pundit -- New NRSC ad: "Hot Air" alternative energy plan

Bread Upon the Waters -- Psalm 113 - Capella Clausura 

Can We Keep Our Republic? -- A dispatch from the post American presidency 

Catholic Fire -- St. Matthias 

Caught Him With a Corndog -- Channeling Samuel L. Jackson 

Christian Conservative -- Steve Bridges as Obama -Comedy 

Christian-With-A-View -- Killing the unborn 

Commentarama -- Teachable moments on black racism

Common Cents -- Growing, growing, and growing: Obamacare waivers 

Conservative Hideout 2.0 -- What is the debt ceiling debate about?

Conservative Perspective -- Happy birthday Israel - Israel wave your flag

Creative Minority Report -- Awww. Obama's soo cute quoting the bible 

DeanO -- Today's political cartoon 

Down Under on the Right Side -- I'm sure it was gay porn

Economy Politics -- Jobless Claims drop but we still have over 400,000 jobless every week 

Eye of Polyphemus -- Waiting for the big boom 

Fuzzy Logic -- Fuzzy Faux news: central planning/unintended consequences

Generational Dysfunction -- The siren's call 

Greg Mankiw's Blog -- Evaluating ARRA

Hack Wilson -- Video collection of awesome national anthems and flyovers -- Religion of peace attacking Israel on three sides

innominatus -- Presidential numerology 

Jo-Joe Politico -- Ever the amateur 

Just a Conservative Girl -- Herman Cain on securing our borders, the debt ceiling, and the lack of leadership in Congress

Just an Artist -- Kitty vs Fly 

Left Coast Rebel -- Eliminate the elephant 

Let The Truth Be Known - Some of this & some of that 

Liberty At Stake -- Stuck on Keynesian stupid 

Lone Star Parson -- The sign of the bull 

Lonely is the Nights -- Irish tradition 

Maggie's Notebook -- Seal Team 6 helmet cams

Mind Numbed Robot -- MemeBusters - Bill Whittle 

Motivation Truth -- Governor Palin and Martha MacCallum discuss Common

Musings of a Vast Right-Winger -- Mexico's immigration law: Let's try it here at home

My Daily Trek -- Amnesty for illegals

NoOneofanyImport -- Time to offend a feminist

No Sheeples Here -- Obama's full of hot air 

Obama Cartoons -- Osama fish food

Pathetically Incorrect -- He's dead... And it's all Bush's fault!!!

Pedaling Fast & Trying To Keep Up -- Look what hatched!

Political Realities -- The myth of big oil subsidies

Proof Positive -- SNL on the least serious president in the history of the Republic

Pundit & Pundette -- Saturday reads 

Randy's Rountable -- 17 days later

Rational Nation USA -- Israel again under attack by Arabs bent on her destruction

Reaganite Republican -- Reaganite's Sunday funnies 

Right Klik -- Show me the money: John Boehner, "cut trillions," "debt ceiling hike without deep cuts would be arrogant"

Robbing America -- The President's consistent inconsistency

Self Evident Truths -- Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek round two 

Sentry Journal -- The Classic Liberal: The Mysterious Herman Cain

Shawsblog -- The poor quality of a college education 

Stop Marxism -- 'J Street' Rabbis keeping congregations barefoot and pregnant

The Audacity of Logic -- Quote of the year 

The Blog -- Achooooo!

The Born Again Americans -- Republic vs. Democracy 

The Camp of the Saints -- Piece Corps

The Catholic Knight -- Who is Herman Cain? 

The Conservative Diva -- PDS to the left and to the right

The Conservative Lady -- Obama to speak as Egypt's 'New Democracy' swells with hate

The Country Thinker -- A rags to riches story, socialist style

The Daley Gator -- Indiana as a police state? 

The Last Tradition -- Did the Associated Press skew a poll about Obama in favor of Democrats? 

The Libertarian Patriot -- Walter Block - Why Ron Paul can win in 2012

The Other McCain -- Newt? No problem.

The Malcontent -- Michelle Obama invites rapper to White House who called for the killing of cops and the burning of George W. Bush

The Observatorium -- Resistable force meets immovable object

The Scottcarp Dream -- Will Obama's energy policy sink him? 

The Wisdom of Soloman -- My thoughts on the passing of Osama Bin Laden

Theblogprof -- Poll: Americans Oppose raising the debt ceiling, 47% to 19%

They Say/We Say -- Meredith Baker is the latest thorn in the NY Times calling for expanding the disclosure act definitions

 TOTUS -- Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice! 

Trestin Meacham -- Cut workforce services

Tu Ne Cede Malis -- Social Justice, Population control, and fighting the myth which progressives perpetuate

Ubi Petrus Ibi Ecclesia -- Is America Satanophobic? 

Virtual Mirage - Bloody Mexico: Chapo Guzman 

Warning Signs -- The animal connection

We The People ... -- Picture of the day 

Welcome to House of Harkonnen -- Bin laden, Obama, and photogate

What Does The Prayer Really Say? -- Would a request for meatier sermons offend a priest? 

 Why I Am Catholic -- Because Blaise Pascal spoke truth to power like this

Woman Honor Thyself -- Obama quotes the bible 

Woodsterman -- Learn it ~ live it ... post it! 

Yankee Phil -- 25 manners kids need to know by age 9 

Zilla of the Resistance -- When family isn't good enough 


  1. Great grouping here Teresa. Thank you so much for the link.

  2. Teresa...
    You've managed to not only link our blog in the company of greatness, you've showcased my all time favorite group... Bless you...

  3. Wow! This post must have been time consuming, my friend, but great job.

    I did not view Hotel California, because that songs just creeps me out. I used to run and hide in my closet when I heard it on the radio, lol!

  4. Teresa, You are amazing with these post's! Thanks for the link (the song I posted in it I love and play ot often!)

    Your theme is great as well, I have always loved the Eagles music!

  5. Thank you, Teresa. Keep up the good work.

  6. Great roundup Teresa, along with some of the best music ever! Thank you for including me with such a bunch!

  7. Thank you kind lady. You honor me so with this link.
