Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gene Simmons Lambasts President Obama's Israel Policy: "He Has No F-Ing Idea What The World Is Like"

WOW! Gene Simmons is on fire! I didn't realize that Simmons was born in Israel until I saw this on HotAir - (whose real name BTW is Chaim Witz born in Haifa, Israel).  He really lambasts Obama.  This is great!

SIMMONS: "For a president to be sitting in Washington D.C and saying go back to your '67 borders in Israel. How 'bout you live there and try to defend an indefensible border-9 miles wide....President Obama...he has no f-ing idea what the world is like because he doesn't have to live there."

Here's the video: 

H/T HotAirPundit 


  1. Keep jammin' Gene!

    Gotta admit I was never a fan, but he is singing music to my ears this time.

  2. True confession, I was never much of a "KISS" fan, that is up until now... I knew Gene was another rarity like Ted Nugent, in the fact that he doesn't drink or do drugs, but I didn't know he was as articulate as he was during this interview... Sometimes you just have to a F**kING idiot, a F**KING idiot... Spot on Gene, spot on...

  3. Always been a fan of Kiss here being a Metal Head from way back and as such also aware of Simmons Israeli background.

    Thanks for the post Teresa as many have no idea, including the former Mrs. Tipper Gore, what Heavy Metal really means.

  4. Gene Simmons actually owned up to voting for Obama, but admitted it was a terrible mistake. He said like many he got caught up in the moment. How's that one moment working out for us and our allies.

  5. Gene is fired up big time.

  6. He is articulated very well!

  7. So True, and it's good to hear people wakeing up.

  8. I've seen Gene in many interviews over the years and as a rock drummer hung with that crowd. Make no mistake - Gene is one very sharp guy and an astute business man.
