Sunday, May 8, 2011

Herman Cain Is On Fire For America!

H/T SecularStupidest 


  1. I really like Herman Cain, I just wonder if the old electability thing is going to raise its ugly head. He has some great things to bring to the table.

  2. I don't like him. He was on the board of the Federal Reserve. That is more than a red flag, it's a disqualification.

  3. I'll keep my eye on him. He's not a RINO.

  4. The outright arrogance of our current POTUS is just a facade for the lies and ignorance. Herman Cain has worked, has run a business and knows what it takes to help the economy. As Rush said last week, Herman Cain sounded the most like Rush. While no Candidate is perfect, Cain is 100% better than the Community Organizer that we have. America needs an Insurance Policy with our current situation.

  5. Go Herman Cain, he's great and patriotic and knows how to get things done!

  6. I think it's too early to pick a candidate because the MSM will have all the time in the world to strangle any fair chance they might have to win.

    Unlike they did with Obama, they will investigate and exploit every word and every action to the detriment of the GOP candidate.

  7. I could support Herman
