Wednesday, June 22, 2011

EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS --6-22-11-- Creedence Clearwater Revival


American Perspective - Why use tax dollars for Al Jazeera English on PBS?  and Michele Bachmann is one of the bravest patriots in public office 

American Power - Michele Bachmann: Obama 'Has Failed the African American Community'

A Catholic View - Movie Review: Green Lantern - PG13

A Conservative Teacher - Obama is Dukakis: The Data Supports my Instincts? 

A Western Heart - Out With Ethics, In With Therapy

Adoro Te Devote - Anti-Catholic Bullies Attack the Poor in the Lee of the Basilica 

Adrienne's Corner - Rick Perry in New Orleans... and Republican Study Committee: Cut, Cap, Balance

Allied Liberty News - Everything Wrong With Progressivism in a Post! and We Failed This Generation

Always On Watch - Pat Condell on Islamic Cultural Terrorism 

Another Black Conservative - Herman Cain also declines to sign abortion pledge

Atlas Shrugs - 3 Muslim Women Charged With Attacking Key Witness in Somali Muslim "Infidel" Child Prostitution Ring

Barking Spider - Far-Left Comment Censorship on You Tube Channels: Two Fixes

BBCW - Bruce Springsteen Remembers Clarence Clemons 

Beer, Bicycles, and the VRWC - How I Really Feel

Beer, Guns, and Baseball - Did Cash for Clunkers Work?

Beers With Demo - Project Gunrunner/Fast and Furious Update and Here's some more of that "new civility" everyone is talking about

Biblical Evidence For Catholicism - Cardinal Newman on Galileo and the Alleged Dogmatic Status of Geocentrism 

Big Blue Wave - The Poor Choice Movement does not get it 

Blowing San # 1 - Why isn't this top-of-the-blog page news? 

Bluegrass Pundit - The Kyoto Protocol is dying and good riddance and Video: Evil woman steals foul ball from little girl

Bread Upon The Waters - On Flag Day: Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegience 

Calling England - Post of the Week 

Can We Keep Our Republic? - Is NATO Irrelevant? 

Catholic Fire - St. Aloysius Gonzaga 

Christian Conservative - Democrats budget plan: "blank check"

Commentarama - If It sounds fishy, It's only San Francisco

Common Cents - Game, Set, Match - Fox News' Ratings Continue to Dominate  and In Defense of Fatherhood and Families 

Conservative Hideout 2.0 - Democratic Strategy for 2012 Revealed? MSM Concentrating on Social Issues, Avoiding Economy and "Hope and Change" - Not Exactly What Most People Had in Mind

Conservative Perspective - Quick Post: And now there are Two,,,,

Conservatives 4 Palin - Governor Palin ahead of the curve on Concerns of China and Rare Earth Metals; Updated and Jack Kelly: The Real Sarah Palin

Creative Minority Report - Santorum to Romney -- Sign It!  and Baby-kinis? Seriously? 

DeanO - Who is behind the hacks? (FAQ)

Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! - Coffee Bowl Browsing 

Don't Tread On Us - Darwin's Fairytale: Intro  and Random 101

Eye Of Polyphemus - Formspring Question #186 - Feminism in the Frontier 

Fleece Me - The godsend that was 9/11

Fuzzy Logic - Rebutting the BO is a genius meme

Generational Dysfunction - A Conservative Meme Regarding Palin?

Greg Mankiw's Blog - A Few, Unwitting Agreements About Health Care

Hack Wilson - The Stupidity of American Students - Libjourno: The GOP is Stealing Elections by making Sure They're Legal 

Innominatus - Not enough angry 

It Don't Make Sense - Created Equal, Not Legislated Equal

Just a Conservative Girl - Tito "The Builder" Munoz Running for Virginia Senate

Just An Artist - Defence of Ft. McHenry by Francis Scott Key 

Left Coast Rebel - Obamanomics Hits Black America Hardest

Let The Truth Be Known - Obama's Official 2012 Campaign Poster 

Legal Insurrection - The Conservatory lands, Too 

Libertarian Republican - Libertarian Hero Rick Scott Signing Budget Bill - The Villages 

Lisa Graas - Is The "Leftist Agenda" a "Conspiracy Theory"?

Logan's Warning - Slap in the Face of America ~ Muslim Flag to Fly on 911 in North Carolina

Lone Star Parson - Bishops - Desmond Tutu 

Maggie's Notebook - How Stupid Do We Have To Be To Allow Mexican Cartels To Tunnel Into The US?

Mind Numbed Robot - N'yah... What's Up 'Bot? 

Motivation Truth - NBC Apologizes for Omitting 'Under God' by Omitting 'Under God'

Musings of a Vast Right-Winger - Obama's Food Police in Staggering Crackdown in Market to Kids

My Daily Trek - Two Things To Talk About 

NoOneOfAnyImport - Depression, Condensed 

No Sheeples Here - "Felony Stupid" Goes All the Way To the Top 

Nonsensible Shoes - AGW Scientists Creating Their Own Worst Scenario 

Obama Cartoons - Shovel Ready Projects

Patriot's Corner - The Role of Mosques in the Establishment of Islamic Political Doctrine

Political Realities - The War On Drugs: Should We Admit Defeat? 

Right Side News - Panetta's War on Reagan's Defense Policies

Proof Positive - 'Robamacare'

Pundit & Pundette - Campaign To Reelect Obama Underway: Swing State Missouri Governor Vetoes Voter ID Requirement

QUICKWIT - Opponents Set Against Catholic Hospital in Germantown

Random Musings By Cliff - My Kids Never Do This, Right????

Randy's Roundtable - Idiot Of The Day 

Rational Nation USA - Russian President Mededev Gets It... Unlike Obama 

Reaganite Republican - Reagan Tells Democrat Jokes 

Robbing America - It's Time We End The War On Drugs 

Saber Point - Robert Kennedy Jr. Protects Ideology that Murdered His Father 

Self Evident Truths - The Stinky Award: Shameless Democrats Blame GOP Nominees for Answering CNN's Questions at Debate

Sentry Journal - Raising Awareness on the regulating of our lives and Media Matters Fakes Own Hoax

Standing On My Head - When A Priest's Accused

Stop Marxism - ACORN and Democrats Covered Up the Fannie and Freddie Scam 

The Bitter Americans - Debating The Patriot Act 

The Blog - Food For Thought

The Born Again Americans - Please Say A Prayer For Danny and Here's Where My Heart Is

The Camp Of The Saints - Big Traitors and Resist Now Or Pay Later

The Catholic Knight - Our Lady of America -The Time Has Come

The Conservative Lady - The Thrill is Gone  and Gaza Flotilla 2011 - What Israel is Doing to Stop It and How You Can Help

The Country Thinker - DeWine, Chesley, and Legal Self-Regulation Gone Bad 

The Daley Gator - Rep. Darrell Issa: Holder Absolutely Knew About "Fast & Furious" Earlier Than He Testified

The Empress Is Naked - A Man With A Plan 

The Last Tradition - Lindsay Starr Marine Told She Can't Wear Uniform To Her High School Graduation

The Libertarian Patriot - Warmonger McCain: GOP Moving Toward Isolationism

The Malcontent - Anthony Weiner's In-Laws and the Secret Muslim Brotherhood Connections 

The Observatorium - Ice Age 

The Other McCain - Bombshell Headlines With Jane Russell  and Individual Compassion: Federal Task?

The Right Guy - Is Islam Cultural Terrorism? 

The Sarah Palin Blog - Undefeated 

The Scottcarp Dream - More Chinese Hackery - In the Military 

The Wisdom of Soloman - A Little Media Bias for You, Courtesy of the Los Angeles Times 

The Wyblog - Maybe NBC Meant to say "One Nation Under Golf"

Theblogprof - Video: Conan O'Brien delivers perhaps the finest commencement address 

Thomas Jefferson Blog - Eric Holder's Fantasy World

TOTUS - Public Health, Wealth Distribution, Protective Environmentalism --- The Three-headed hydra of the Socialist State 

Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia - The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit 

Virtual Mirage - WHO is the Old Whore? 

Warning Signs - America's Decline Follows a Familiar Pattern 

We The People... - So, What's the Definition of "Hostilities?" 

What Does The Prayer Really Say? - Make Popcorn, Then Read! Ed Peter's Eviscerates Maureen Dowd

Woman Honor Thyself - Women in Music Portrayed as Purely Se-xual

Woodsterman - The Problem With Really Big TVs

Zilla Of The Resistance - Standing Up Against Islamonazism


  1. Creedence was and still is a favorite of mine. Thanks teresa for the link!

  2. Fantastic Linky post Teresa. Thanks for the dual linkage, and the great tunes.

  3. Thanks for the links, Teresa. I saw CCR in concert many years ago. Thanks for the memories.

  4. Thanks so much for the link, and throw me on the wagon as a CCR fan. =)

  5. I'm glad you got one of my sillier posts ... thank you Teresa.

  6. Thanks Teresa. Creedence still rocks!

  7. Thank you for the links. I have to say the logo you used is awesome.

  8. Thank you for the link!

    I absolutely love this group! Awesome music videos!

    You rock!
