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Two of my favorite bands in my youth...Seems a long time ago, wait, it was!
ReplyDeleteThanks Teresa for the link.
I am a TOTAL SUCKER for that march beat used towards the end of Lady. So it has been one of my faves for years. Roll with the Changes is my favorite REO song, too. So I just gotta say you have excellent taste!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link, Teresa. Hope you're feeling well today.
ReplyDeleteThank you. As for REO, I'm a big fan.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Teresa. You're giving me a run for my money. Thanks for the dual linkage, and the great tunes!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link Teresa. It is very much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the multiple links, and the good tunes. =)
ReplyDeleteGreat songs & great links! Thanks for including me in your superb post, Teresa!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for your hard work Teresa.
ReplyDeleteYou are so sweet TCL. I am doing better but still not up to snuff, or back to normal. My worry is now how much longer I will be able to work in landscaping. I'm gonna have to start looking for a semi-sit down job now. With God's help something will turn up.
ReplyDeleteDon't mean to be giving you a run for your money. I've actually found some of the newer additions of great bloggers from your site. Thanks.