Sunday, June 5, 2011

Eagle Freedom Links June 5, 2011 - Trace Adkins Edition -- Prayers Go Out To Adkins Family For Their Loss

Yesterday I found out that Trace Adkins' home was destroyed due to a massive fire.  Neither he or his wife were at home at the time of the fire but his kids and nanny were present.  Whenever any disaster occurs our hearts go out to those affected by the tragedy. This is so sad.  Thank God everyone is okay, safe and sound.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the Adkins Family.  Here is a video with an interview with Rhonda Adkins.  The fire safety escape route the kids practiced saved their lives.  There is more information on the fire here.

Fire Destroys Singer Trace Adkins' Home by LocalNews-GrabNetworks

Now, on the upside somehow because of the business of life I am exactly a month past my 2nd blogaversary. I would like to thank all my wonderful blog friends for reading my posts.  I enjoy visiting each of your blogs.  You guys are all an inspiration to me. I have learned a great deal of history and other facts from your posts.  May God Bless our mission to take back our country and renew our country to what America once was, in adherence with our Founding Fathers principles.


A Western Heart posts Will Afghanistan be Vietnam all over again?

Abagail and Dolley posts Does HE have Your Attention Now?

 Acts Of The Apostasy posts Various Approaches to Theology

Adrienne's Corner posts The Loony Left, in An Attempt to make Sarah Palin Look Dumb, end up Looking Dumber

Allied Liberty News posts Viral of the Day: The Friends of the USA Exposed

 Always On Watch posts Weekend Humor 

American Perspective posts Octomom Doctor's Medical License Revoked

Amusing Bunni's Musings posts It's a Dick in a Tweet, Video Gold :-)

 Anonymous Political Scientist posts New Youtube Video Pulls Together Obama's Lies About Dreams From My Father

Another Black Conservative posts And They Call this "economic recovery"? 

Barking Spider posts Obama "birth certifiate": A Criminal Complaint Has Now Been Filed With The FBI

BBCW posts Federal Bureaucrats Out of Control: From European Bicycle Racing To Magician's Rabbits

Beers, Bicycles, and the VRWC posts Redistribution

Blog de King Shamus posts San Francisco Is Voting to Ban Circumcision...

Bluegrass Pundit posts Howard Dean: Sarah Palin could Beat Obama

Bread Upon the Waters posts Climategate Fallout: VA Court Orders University To Uncover "Research" 

Christian Conservative posts RSA Animate - Changing Educational Paradigms

Commentarama posts Film Friday: The Lord of the Rings

 Common Cents posts Audio: Mark Levin Unloads on State Media for their Attacks on Sarah Palin

Conservative Hideout 2.0 posts Self Fulfilling Prophecy? Unions To Erect a "Tent City" in Madison

Conservative Perspective posts 9.1% - Employment Growth slows sharply in May? 

Creative Minority Report posts Notre Dame is Lying

Da Tech Guy posts Wienergate Becomes CSI Twitter 

Don't Tread On Us posts Benson VS. Sharpton

Eye of Polyphemus posts Formspring Question #178 - Miller Time Edition

Fausty's Libertarian Blog posts Google, Yahoo, & Facebook are Hiding Information From You

Fuzzy Logic posts Madcow on Conservative Media: Why Can't I do that?

Generational Dysfunction posts The Coming Employment Shortage

Greg Mankiw's Blog posts The Demagoguing of Medicare Reform

Hack Wilson posts Gender Relativism Strikes Again. Canadian parents refuse to acknowledge newborn's gender. posts What Happens when Sarah Palin says something that all the Smart People think is Stupid? 

Info On Islam posts Muslim Rapes Christian Toddler for Failure to Convert to Islam

Innominatus posts Air Traveler's Lament 

Just a Conservative Girl posts NAACP Chooses Unions Over Education

Jim McMahon - Chicago posts Abolish the United Nations

Just An Artist posts Redneck Woman Mowing

Left Coast Rebel posts McDonalds Accounts for up to 55% of Jobs Created in May

Let The Truth Be Known posts Mother Of All Rants Part III-A

Legal Insurrection posts So Now All These People Will Apologize to Sarah Palin About Paul Revere, Right?

Liberty At Stake posts The Lessons of NY -26 Special Election

Lonely Is The Night posts Ray Stevens -  Obama Budget Plan

Maggie's Notebook posts Why and How The World Is Collapsing Video 

Mind Numbed Robot posts The War On God Continues: Federal Judge Bans Prayer at Texas Graduation; Threatens Jail Time  

My Daily Trek posts Human Toll of Deadly Tornado Cuts Deep in Joplin

Nonsensible Shoes posts Two Word Opinions

Obama Cartoons posts Osama Porn

Pathetically Incorrect posts Death By A Thousand Cuts 

Pedaling Fast posts It's Official

Political Realities posts US Foreign Aid To Countries Who Hold Our Debt 

Proof Positive posts A Little Friday Night Music

Pundit and Pundette posts Steyn on the New "Flirting"

Quickwit posts Ominous House Bill Would Effectively Ban US Christian Adoption Agencies

Randy's Roundtable posts Spanked 

Rational Nation USA posts Looking Into The Face of Evil 

Reaganite Republican posts Why Romney Sucks

Right Klik posts Because God is a Marxist...

Robbing America posts The Donkey that Played the Flute - Part I

Saber Point posts California Bill Will Protect Cross-dressing in the Workplace

Self Evident Truths posts Barack Obama: Saul Alinsky's Fanning Resentment and Hostility

Sentry Journal posts Friday Ramblings: What If...

Shawsblog posts Video-Former Rep. McKinney in Libya Wants Gaddafi-Style Govt in U.S.

Stop Marxism posts Obama Votes Against Born Alive Babies

The Audacity of Logic posts Group Says E-Mails Link FCC to Liberal Group on "Net Neutrality" 

The Bitter Americans posts College Athletes Have a Sense of Entitlement 

 The Blog posts Mini Mini Me 

 The Born Again Americans posts This Buffoon Leads The Greatest Country on Earth???

The Camp of the Saints posts Shallow Play 

The Catholic Knight posts End Game

The Conservative Lady posts Do American Taxpayers help Fund a Movement called "The New World Islamic Order"?

The Country Thinker posts Shared Sacrifice, Single Payer, and Other Collectivist Corruptions of Language

The Daley Gator posts Lawmaker Questions Gay Pride Flag Flown From Federal Reserve Bank Building

The Last Tradition posts More than 9 in 10 Americans continue to believe in God. But atheism up 600%.

The Libertarian Patriot posts Cato's Dan Mitchell on the Fallacy of Keynesian Economics 

The Malcontent posts Michelle Obama's Pledge. I will save America

The Observatorium posts Drudge Funnies

The Other McCain posts Draft Reynolds 2012?

The Right Guy posts Biker Chick for President

Theblogprof posts Video of John Edwards: I did wrong, did not break law

The Scottcarp Dream posts New Product I Want to Sell to the Government

The Wisdom of Soloman posts The Truth as Spoken by Bill Clinton 

The Wyblog posts Congress To Obama: Put Away The Credit Cards

Three Beers Later... posts Special Operation Gratitude Event Sunday June 5 for the USS Ronald Reagan

TOTUS posts The Man Who Shot Osama Bin Laden

Tu Ne Cede posts The Vortex - The Notre Dame 88

Virtual Mirage posts Remembering Father 

Warning Signs posts Why Every Nation is Broke

We The People... posts The Gun is Civilization

What Does The Prayer Really Say? posts Brick by Brick in Croatia

Wolf Files posts Radiology: 34-Week Fetal MRI with an Unexpected Finding

Why I Am Catholic posts Because The Sexual Abuse Scandal is Like The Ribbon Creek Incident

 Woman Honor Thyself posts Barbecue Time ~ 

Woodsterman posts Newsbusted 6/3/11 ~

Zilla of the Resistance posts Parents: It's Your Job, Not Rihanna's to be a Role Model for Your Kids


  1. Happy Blog Anniversary to you.

    Thank God no one was hurt in the fire.

  2. Happy Blog Anniversary Teresa and thank you so much for the link.

    It's really a sad thing for the Adkins family.

  3. Happy 2nd Blog Anniverary Teresa...
    You constantly remind me that we're all in this together and we will take back this country... Thanks for the link and so sorry about the tradgedy at the Adkins home... As Supi said, thank God no one was hurt...

  4. Happy Blog Anniversary Teresa! Thanks for all you do! Trace Adkins is a great Guy. He is not a Celeb who tells us to turn off our A/C, drive a go cart and eat only veggies. Our prayers are with him.

  5. Happy Blogoversary Teresa. The Old Woodsterman just just his second about two weeks after you.

    Thank you for the link kind lady!

  6. Happy anniversary!! And many more years to come.

  7. Happy blogiversary! Thanks for linking to me! Sorry I didn'ty get here sooner, I've been kind of out of sorts & off kilter since my little cat passed away on Saturday. I'm only just starting to catch up on stuff in the blogs now.
