Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tolerance is a Two Way Street: Gay Activist Tears Up Banner

Why do homosexuals and progressives resort to ripping up signs and violence?  TFP student action members were peacefully standing on a street corner holding a banner up which advocated traditional marriage when for some reason an immature loser homosexual goes and rips up their thirteen foot banner that was inscribed with "God's marriage = 1 man + 1 woman."  Is it because they lack the maturity and ability to win in the arena of ideas?   Homosexuals and progressives are so disrespectful and irresponsible.  In addition, later on some driver ignoramus threw a beer bottle at one of the members faces.  The progressives have clearly become unhinged. On the group's tour they are handing out flyers called 10 Reasons Why Homosexual "Marriage" is Harmful and Must be Opposed.

H/T TFP Student Action Youtube Channel 


  1. Ahhh the tolerant left. Don't you just love em!

  2. You are absolutely correct, they can't win in the arena of ideas... Tolerance is only if they are winning...

  3. Someone should have torn a new one for this a**hole.

  4. John, in answer to your question ... NO!

    The homosexuals try to convince us that their behavior is normal. Sorry, I'm not convinced and this will never help your cause.

  5. They can't entertain any position in their heads that they don't agree with yet they call themselves tolerant. Hypocrisy most foul.

  6. Wow! That's tolerance for you. And they call conservatives intolerant? Pretty vile behavior.

  7. There's a lot of "tolerance and diversity" there, with some "new tone" thrown in for good measure.

    Sarcasm aside, the let can tolerate no dissent. All other opinions must be silenced.

  8. Notice how all these "minority" thugs have become so EMBOLDENED and 1,000 times worse since mr. hopey changey got in?

  9. Hope they pressed charges against that queer. And maybe next time they should laminate the poster and kick that homos ass.

    Then again he might like that.
