Friday, July 29, 2011

EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS 7-29-11 Birds of Flight/Steve Miller Band


American Perspective - Did Obamacare Kill the Obama Recovery?  and Battle Hound 

America's Watchtower - My email to Barack Obama 

Atlas Shrugs - Hamas Executes Father and Son for Israeli Cooperation 

Amusing Bunni's Musings - Meet Paco the Super Dog, 10lbs of fury, chasing thugs 

ARRA News Service - Would the President Really Veto the Nation into Default

A Catholic View - Step Forward to Defend DOMA from Repeal, Official Urges

A Patriotic Rottweiler - Economy and Freedom - A Lesson for Liberals 

A Western Heart - Iemma Predicts Carbon Calamity 

Swimming Eagle from Wandering Wolf Productions on Vimeo.

Acts Of Apostasy - Remember - Same-Sex Marriage Won't Affect You...

Adrienne's Corner - Debt Ceiling Kabuki Theater Continues, the Huffington Post Causes Migraines, and John Hawkins is an Idiot...

Allied Liberty News - Viral of the Day: Just Why California Is Bankrupt? 

Always On Watch - The Government Borrows To Spend 

American Creation - The Anti-Slavery Awakening at Our Founding 

Anonymous Political Scientist - Dr. Drew Comments on Dr. Lott, Jr's Seven Myths About the Debt Ceiling

Barking Spider - Give Us Some REAL Fucking News You Cunts!

Barracuda Brigade 2012 - Iran Says Installing New Nuclear Enrichment Machines!!  

BBCW - Obama Closes Borders

Beer, Bicycles, and the VRWC - Taxing Evil Big Corporations

Beers With Demo - Your High Speed Choo-choo Update 

Biblical Conservatism - Default Not A Given Without Debt Deal (Unless Obama Chooses) 

Big Blue Wave - Pittsburgh Abortionists Caught Dealing Drugs 

Black Or White Is A Choice - Martial Law is Around the Corner If We Allow Him to do it This Way.!?

Blog de King Shamus - See What You're Not Noticing? The Anti-War Protests Have Fizzled Out 

Blowing San #1 - No Justice For This Prolife Activist 

Bluegrass Pundit - Barack Obama vs Barack Obama on the Debt Ceiling 

Bread Upon The Waters - Obama Privately Assures Banks There Will Be No Default 

Catholibertarian - On Envy, Ecology, and the Redistribution of Wealth 

Catholic Fire - Cardinal Burke On Suffering and Respect for Human Life

Catholic Once Again - Stem Cells - What's Moral and What's New in the News 

Cmblake6's Weblog - And Here's a "Tingle Up My Leg" 

Commentarama - Amber Waves of -- Solar Panels? 

Common Cents - Comedy Gold: Press Secretary Jay Carney 

Conservative Hideout 2.0 - "Unexpected" Morphed into "Above Expectations," Elites still surprised by Reality  and Tea Party Group Protests NAACP Convention 

Conservative Perspective - Congress, When Talking Numbers Figure This In - The Cost of Illegal Aliens - A Look at the Numbers......

Conservatives On Fire - Who Is Responsible For Our Debt The Democrats Or The Republicans?

Creative Minority Report - Abortionist: Yeah, Babies are Born Alive

Creeping Sharia - Somali-Canadian Women Recruited by Islamic Terror Group

Crime, Guns, and Videotape - There is an Extraordinary Acting Coach in Santa Monica, CA

DeanO - Return of Mass Layoffs a Grimm Sign for U.S. Workers 

Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! - Coffee Cup Browsing

Don't Tread On Us - Question #1 Answer  and Darwin's Fairy Tale: Part 2 

DRScoundrels - Awesome debt ceiling and tax wisdom: Must see vids 

Eye Of Polyphemus - Wild Cards 

Faith of the Fathers - North Carolina House Overrides Perdue Veto of Pro-life Bill 

Far Right Girl - Taxation Without Representation

Fleece Me - Intransigence Only Applies To The Right =(

Fuzzy Logic - The Tea Party Movement: Not on our watch, Not Now, Not Ever (repost)

Generational Dysfunction - Horrific Speech by Obama

Greene County Young Republicans - Quote of the Decade 

Greg Mankiw's Blog - The Light Bulb Ban 

Hack Wilson - Obama "needs a dance partner" on immigration reform while speaking before La Raza - The 14th Amendment Gambit 

Hyphenated-American - A Few Obvious Things 

Info on Islam - Islam Destroys the Conscience 

Innominatus - Defeat To Victory to Defeat to Victory 

It Don't Make Sense - Signs 

Jo-Joe Politico - Stop Calling Him What He Is Not! It Makes You Look Stupid

Just A Conservative Girl - The Promise and The Reality 

Just An Artist - Tank Fun!

Landshark 5150 - Someone Has to Caption This One, Cause my mind is Spinning Here in Key West 

Left Coast Rebel - Lipstick, Dresses, and a Porcine Beauty Pagent...

Let The Truth Be Known - Obama Administration ID Scheme 

Legal Insurrection - Senate Dems Kill Cut, Cap, & Balance Bill - leave nation with NO plan//Update: Reid tells Senate to take Weekend Off 

Libertarian Republican - Trump Hearts Bachmann? 

Liberty At Stake - Debt Ceiling Tug Of War - No Deal Is Better Than a Bad Deal 

Lisa Graas - Indian Government Concerned About Gender-Based Abortions 

Lone Star Parson - LSH  and Come On. Move To Detroit. 

Lonely Is The Nights.... - Why We Need A Tetanus Shot...

Maggie's Notebook - World Trade Center Cross Sued By Atheists  and Laura Ingraham John Boehner: Interview - Time To Do What Is Doable

Mind Numbed Robot - Steve Wynn: Obama's Socialist Policies Killing Jobs 

Motivation Truth - Governor Palin Tackles Debt Debate on Fox 

Musings Of A Vast Right-Winger - Obama's Idea of a Balanced Budget

My Daily Trek - US Gives Bizarre Dhimmi Orders to Troops in Afghanistan 

My Journey - The Roof Of The World

Nikon Sniper - Children are a Blessing from the Lord 

Nonsensible Shoes - Nader Looks for Obama 2012 Challengers

NoOneOfAnyImport - But I'm Already Home, John Hawkins Updated 

Obama Cartoons - Obama Hell  

Pathetically Incorrect - Same As It Ever Was .... Carter and Obama 

Pedaling Fast - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 

Phoebe's Detention Room - What's your favorite movie??

Political Realities - Raising the Debt Ceiling - Where to go from here 

Proof Positive - How Long does it Take to Run the Country Dangerously Into Debt? 

Pundette & Pundette - Choosing Time For Conservatives

QUIKWIT - Where Did I Put That Remote Control........ 

Randy's Roundtable - This Isn't Wild Eyed Socialism 

Rational Nation USA - Thoughts Worth Considering 

Reaganite Republican - Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

Right Klik - A Friendly Reminder  

Robbing America - Deficit Spending at the Mongo Toy Company and their Debt Ceiling 

Saber Point - Politics are unbelievably dirty, rotten and ruthless: How to fight back peacefully 

Sancte Pater - Let's play "Name that Priest" 

Self Evident Truths - Obama: "Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting, I promise you." 

Sentry Journal - I'm taking a mulligan: Jan Schakowsky could possibly be the most useless person in America and Behind Closed Doors 

Standing On My Head - Atheism and Schizophrenia 

Tea And Politics - Egypt: Muslim Attack On Christians Provoked By Installation Of Church Bell 

That Mr. G Guy's Blog - Do Away With National Debt Ceiling Law

Theblogprof - Shocker: Obamacare To Leave Families With HIGHER Insurance Costs

The Born Again Americans - God Bless Ted Nugent

The Camp Of The Saints - Dhimmitude From A Dhimmitard 

The Conservative Lady - Marco Rubio On Face The Nation - Great Interview  and Operation Fast & Furious: Straw Buyers and Big Liars

The Country Thinker - Missing from the debt ceiling debate: Overregulation

The Daley Gator - U.N. Group Calls for Abortion As Human Right For 10-Year-Olds, Decriminalization of Youth Prostitution and Drug Use 

The Empress Is Naked - Barack's Limp Leadership 

The Last Tradition - Nevada Man James Linlor Sues DMV for Trying to ban Personalized 'GOPALIN' license Plates, but Obama Plates ok 

The Libertarian Patriot - Reason TV - 3 Reasons Why the Debt Ceiling Debate is Full of Malarkey 

The Liberty Sphere - Video: Homeland Security considers white, middle class citizens to be terrorists

The Malcontent - Is The Emperor Upset? 

The Observatorium - Rupert Murdoch, Bible Publisher? 

The Other McCain - What Happened to 'No Drama Obama'?

The Right Guy - Heroes and Assholes 

The Scottcarp Dream - Building a Religion 2012 Edition - Barack Obama

The Wyblog - Mr. Christie goes to Iowa

TOTUS - Coyotes and Big Government

Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia - The Contraception Deception 

Weasel Zippers - Noonan: "He's like a walking headache. He's probably triggering Michele Bachmann's migraines." 

Virtual Mirage - Is the US Govt 'smuggling' military grade weapons to Mexico?

Warning Signs - Ignoring Iran to Our Peril

What Does The Prayer Really Say? - Australia - A bill to force priests to break the Seal of Confession

We The People... - Operation Fast and Furious XXXII 

Wolf Files - My Washington Times Latest: Barack Obama's pants on fire

Woman Honor Thyself - The U.K. is Muslim

Woodsterman - Badass Texas Rabbit 

Zilla Of The Resistance - Al & MO Hate The Ladies 


  1. Thanks for the links Teresa. You're the best!

  2. I love the music. Thank you, Teresa.

  3. Thanks for the link! That is one heck of a list you have there, it must have taken quite a bit of time to compile.

  4. Thanks again kind lady. You put me in such good company.

  5. Great collection! Thanks for including me!

  6. The eagle videos are stunning. Can't decide which one I like best. You can really see how huge and powerful they are, but loved watching the one swimming. Teresa, thank you so much for the link. Awesome roundup!
