Monday, July 18, 2011

Thank God For The Second Amendment - Now That's How A Gun Is Used!

There was a home invasion at 77 year old Congressman Bosnell's home last Saturday. Both Rep. Leonard Bosnell and his grandson fought the intruder on the congressman's farm in Iowa. His grandson grabbed a shotgun and the intruder fled.  Thank God for our right to bear arms.  Guns save lives.  Thank God everyone is safe and sound.

From The Blaze:

The 77-year-old congressman heard his daughter’s screams, came into the entryway and attempted to disarm the intruder. As they struggled, Boswell’s 22-year-old grandson, Mitchell Brown, got a shotgun from another room. When Mitchell Brown pointed the shotgun at the intruder, the man fled into the fields around the house outside of Lamoni.


  1. You won't hear this on the networks. Thanks for spreading the word.

  2. It's funny how I didn't hear this in the news. Keep your guns loaded and close

  3. Isn't this a great story?

    Totally ignored by the mainstream media (TV), of course.

  4. Eh, they only way that the MSM would have reported this is if the Congressman was killed. Then, they'd blame it on the Tea Parties and Sarah Palin.

  5. Generally I do not post on articles, but I would like to say that this blog really forced me to do so! Thanks, really nice blog.

  6. I dont know what to say. This blog is fantastic. Thats not really a really huge statement, but its all I could come up with after reading this. You know so much about this subject. So much so that you made me want to learn more about it. Your blog is my stepping stone, my friend. Thanks for the heads up on this subject.

  7. boooyah Teres!...if the govt had their way..they'd be dead..God bless you my friend.:)

  8. This is why we are armed. I'm not looking to shoot anyone, but I am actively trying to prevent someone from harming me or my family. This was the perfect outcome to a bad situation.

  9. liberals would rather they were killed and the lady raped and then killed than see them send a scumbag fleeing into the night, or better still do us all a favor and kill him off.
