Tuesday, September 13, 2011

MIni Eagle Freedom Links -- 9-13-11 -- Remembering 9/11 Edition

Allied Liberty News - BHO's Cop Killer Connections! (more than you knew!) 

Barking Spider - Identified:The UAF "Comedian" Who Thinks that Beating Up Women is Funny 

Barracuda Brigade 2012 - Ten Years Ago by Sarah Palin 

Bad Catholic - The Secret About Morality 

Black Or White Is A Choice - A Few Moments of Silence 

Catholic Moms For Santorum - Santorum On Dignity And Poverty 

Common Cents - Video: Todd Beamer - The First Hero of 9/11 

Creative Minority Report - 9/11. A Prayer

Fuzzy Logic - 9/11: Ten Years Later 

Generational Dysfunction - Bill Clinton Address To The Flight 93 Memorial 

Hack Wilson - September 11th Must See 

Laughing Conservative - Hey, Hey, EPA, How Many Jobs Did You Kill Today? 

Lisa Graas - The Dangers Of Using Terms Like "Homophobia" 

Logan's Warning - UK: IslamoPUNK Choudary and his Muslim Mob Burn US Flag on 911!~Video 

NoOneOfAnyImport - The Matrix Does Not Have Us 

Pathetically Incorrect - Why We Remember 

Proof Positive - The New York Times and Me*

QuickWit - God Bless America...

Self Evident Truths - Bill Whittle: Afterburner: The Truth Is Out There

Woman Honor Thyself - Sept 11, 2001... Forever in our Hearts 

Western Hero - Bring The GWOT Home 

TOTUS - The Arab Spring and Israel 

The Wisdom of Soloman - Tea Party Zombies Must Die - The Video Game 

That Mr. G Guy's Blog - Krugman Shames Himself 


  1. Wow! Those videos were powerful. I am sad that some people complained about the memorials on tv, this Past 9/11.

    We must never forget, never.

  2. Yes, Leticia, the videos were powerful. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. God Bless.
