Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rule 5 - Miranda Lambert

More Rule 5

The Camp of the Saints - Rule 5 News 

Eye Of Polyphemus - Tiffany Amber-Thiessen 

Maggie's Notebook - Olivia Munn 

Randy's Roundtable - Thursday Nite Tart 

Proof Positive - Friday Night Babe 

Woodsterman - Oh Nurse Rule 5

The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunday 


  1. She is a hottie, with a great voice. Great pick Teresa, I hope you are feeling better and thank you for your link!

  2. Randy,

    Thankfully, I did feel better for a little bit this week. Surgery will be the answer. You are kind Randy. Thanks for the well wishes.

  3. Opie - Glad you liked.

    Bob - My pleasure.

  4. I love this song! I also found a song off her upcoming album Four The Record out in November, called "Mama's Broken Heart." Definitely worth checking out, along with the rules to the contest she has going on right now: Check out the details here:
