Saturday, November 19, 2011

Does Technological progress equal moral regress?

Why do many citizens in our society today need a law to dictate to them what is the morally correct thing to do?

It seems that as America has progressed technologically individuals have regressed morally. People today have not been instilled with the values or moral fiber that were present in earlier generations. It seems that folks back then would, for the most part, forgo selfishness in favor of the greater good. Morality was black and white and not muddied with shades of gray. People were taught to have a sense of personal responsibility. Whereas today, moral relativism is taught with a normal acceptability in our society and people are more selfish than in prior generations. Now individuals are taught tha whatever happens it's not their fault, but to place blame on some other person instead of their accepting responsibility for their mistakes or bad decision making.

Senator Bob Casey (D, Pa) has intorduced a bill which would require all individuals to report child sexual abuse or alleged child sexual abuse. There already are laws on the books which require professionals such as nurses, doctors, and teachers to report these alleged crimes.

It is really sad that people need a law to tell them to do this when it is so obviously the morally right thing to do. This, in addition to abortion, is yet one more example of just how morally bankrupt our society has become.

The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer


  1. Apparently, for some people they are unable to decipher what is moral and good from what is not

    Common sense would tell a person if they see abuse happening they should intervene and help the abused, duh!

  2. It's a typical response when life becomes really easy and it's been pushed by the progs for 100 years (in particular since the 60's which saw the advent of such nonsense as "your truth is not necessarily my truth" and "one person's morals are not always the same as someone else."

    If you have no truth, you have no morals...

  3. This is what happens when you drive religion, God, values, traditions and respect out of society. People then become lost, unsure what's right and wrong.

    I don't think that technological progress will equal moral regress, but technological progress does not mean moral progress as well.

  4. Liberals pushed "liberation" in the 1960s and beyond. This spawned moral decline starting in the "if it feels good, do it" generation. Many of the children of the 1970s raised themselves in the midst of their parents' chaos. In the 1980s many children were shuffled off to daycare as women were told that in order to "have it all" women must delegate childcare duties and remain in the workplace despite their motherhood. Children of the 1980s are in their 20s now.

    In the new millenium, a movement began, as can be seen by the high ratings of Dr. Laura Schlessinger's former radio show, where mom's decided to stay at home while the kids were out of school. That movement continues today, and many women structure work-at-home positions or part-time work when the kids get old enough to spend a few mornings in preschool. 50-hrs per week daycare is frowned upon in my neighborhood.

    In my son's Kindergarten class last year, virtually 100% of the families enrolled their girls in "Daisies", which is the new version of girl scouts. Boys start scouting in 1st grade.

    There are many good parents who see societal decay and throw themselves body and soul into character-building clubs and religious organizations.

    I think hard-core libs number 20%. The rest of the Obama voters were duped by the media and liberal comedy shows into forgetting Obama was a socialist and they insisted he was a centrist. They now know they were wrong and won't make that mistake again. I feel confident we will do better in 2012. We swept them in 2010. Obama, Pelosi and Reid took their masks off and no amount of songs or dances will put those masks back again.

    Of course those who embrace modern hedonism turn out badly. We must guard ourselves and make sure our environment is correct. The old saying is still true. Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

  5. It seems that as America has progressed technologically individuals have regressed morally.

    I think that's true!

    I know for a FACT that social networking causes all kinds of issues that spill over into my classroom -- classrooms of homeschoolers.

    I also note that my students spend way too much time looking at screens on their iPads and iPhones.

  6. You wrote:

    "Whereas today, moral relativism is taught with a normal acceptability in our society and people are more selfish than in prior generations. Now individuals are taught that whatever happens it's not their fault, but to place blame on some other person instead of their accepting responsibility for their mistakes or bad decision making."

    How are you defining "moral relativism"? As selfishness, as refusal to accept responsibility, or as something else that leads to these two consequences?

  7. amen Teres..its been downhill since the stinkin 60's girl! hope you are having a super weekend my friend~!.:)
