Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Eagle Freedom Links - Christmas Movies Edition: 11-29-11

Eagle Freedom Links

This week was a very interesting week.  I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope everyone else did too. There was some Black Friday mayhem across the country.  The past few weeks I had started to feel better but that didn't last for long.  Thankfully, my dizziness is down to a minimum. But sometimes it really hurts me to breathe along with some other abdominal pain which as increased at times. I know the Lord is watching out for me. Hopefully, when I have some procedures done on Dec. 7 the doctor will figure out what is going on.  Oh, then, I had an Islamofascist nutjob who threatened to kill me since I support Pamela Geller.  In some ironic twist of logic he claimed Pamela and I are hateful, bigots while he's not, even though he threatened me.  These dhimmis and Islamofascists  are certainly pieces of work.  On the political front my top three choices from the candidates for President are: Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul. 

*American Perspective* - Will Student debt cancel a generation of future home buyers? 

_It Don't Make Sense_ - From the people who really know how to occupy 

A Catholic View - Gingrich takes heat for immigration stance 

A Conservative Teacher - Teaching and brain-dead liberal students 

A Pissed Off Irishmen - Thomas Sowell on socialists and occupy wall street occupiers 

A Western Heart - Should the rich be condemned? 

Acts Of Apostasy - Welcome to my new home 

Adrienne's Corner - Righteous rant on reality...

Always On Watch - The Worm Turns 

American Power Blog - The Rolling Stones at 50 

Amusing Bunni's Musings - Cats say thank you!

ARRA News Service - Potential surrender of American liberty in defense authorization bill...

Atlas Shrugs - Hamas-linked Cair's war on freedom of speech, demands FBI target anti-jihad blogs and commenters - WordPress caves, suspends BNI 

Barking Spider - Islamofascism - Ignore it at your peril 

Barracuda Brigade - Tatyana Limanova, Russian newsreader fired after Obama middle finger insult!!!

Battle Beads Blog - How do you spell *M-A-R-T-I-A-L *** L-A-W* ????

BBCW - The history of Romneycare (Obamacare) Mitt Romney doesn't want you to know 

Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC - More class warfare 

Big Blue Wave - Quebec to ban prayer in home-based daycares 

Black Or White Is A Choice - Better days are coming!!! 

Blog de King Shamus - Herman Cain, David Axelrod, and the Chicago Way 

Blowing San #1 - Why yes, I do have one 

Bluegrass Pundit - Video: Linus' Thanksgiving prayer 

Bunkerville - Obama won't "redistribute" to his brother George

Catholic Once Again - Book Sale: young adult fantasy 

Common Cents - 2nd Scott Walker Ad; "I'm not big on recalls"

Conservative Girl With A Voice - Putting the swagger back into the step of American politics: my choice for 2012

Conservative Hideout - Occupy Berkeley: " if they wanted to clear the path, they would have to go through us..."

DeanO - Jetsons, meet the Jetsons 

Don't Tread On Us - In search of cheap amusement: listening to Air America 

Eye Of Polyphemus - Anya Monzikova 

Faith Of The Fathers - From the Vatican website 

Fuzzy Logic - Dude "predatory black sexuality." Seriously? 

Generational Dysfunction - An impossible question to answer.... 

Give Me Liberty - Colin Powell blames media and tea party for divisive tone in Washington 

Greg Mankiw's Blog - What Milton Friedman might say to the Occupy Movement 

HolyCoast.com - Newt wins New Hampshire union leader endorsement

I Know The Words I Need To Say ... - Some Thoughts... 

Innominatus - Screwt Newt 

Just A Conservative Girl - Quote of the day - Matthew Staver Edition 

Left Coast Rebel - Martin Luther King Jr. On Communism 

Let The Truth Be Known - Breaking news headlines Nov. 19, 2011 

Legal Insurrection - So do I 

Libertarian Republican - Austrian Freedom Party poised for big win! 

Lone Star Parson - Black Friday 

Lonely Is The Nights - Baptized Yet? 

Maggie's Notebook - ESPN Bernie Fine: ESPN hides Bobby Davis sex abuse audio for 9 years

Milton Wolf - Judge Napolitano: what if? 

Mind Numbed Robot - #OccupyWallStreet thugs encouraging violence - audio compilations via Glenn Beck 

Motivation Truth - Summoning Palin's endorsement 

My Daily Trek - Panetta to Israel: don't touch Iran 

Nikon Sniper - Sunset at the Oak 

Nonsensible Shoes - Insolvent nations should leave EU? 

NoOneOfAnyImport - We are here from the Federal Government 

Obama Cartoons - Keystone Pipeline, shove that plug somewhere else Barack 

Patriot's Corner - Persecution Update November 27 

Pedaling Fast - Gratitude 

Political Realities - The principles of Ron Paul 

Proof Positive - #Occupy L.A. about to become an endangered feces 

QUICKWIT - Talking about turkey! 

Randy's Roundtable - More bad news for global warming fanatics 

Rational Nation USA - Facts about Romneycare 

Reaganite Republican - Obama/Cameron/Sarko's 'New Libya' descending into violent, medieval chaos 

Right Klik - Worst recovery since the Depression, $1T down the drain 

Robbing America - The mother of all conservative endorsements: Sarah Palin's

Saberpoint - The real meaning of Thanksgiving: the triumph of capitalism over communism 

Sancte Pater - Robert Downey Jr. asks Hollywood to forgive Mel Gibson 

Sentry Journal - Friday Ramblings: Should we be trading our principles for electability? 

STOP MARXISM - God Bless The United States Military 

The Audacity Of Logic - Barney Frank quits! 

The Blog - Tuna takers 

The Camp Of The Saints - The spot-on quote of the day... 

The Conservative Lady - So easy, a game show host can do it 

The Conservative Pup - Socialism is for the people, not the socialists

The Country Thinker - Letter from Ron Paul 

The Daley Gator - New Jersey nurses charge religious discrimination over hospital abortion policy 

The Libertarian Patriot - "Jumpers and Dumpers" gaming Romneycare in Massachusetts 

The Malcontent - Is Occupy Wall Street - just like the Tea Party? I don't think so! 

The Observatorium - Newt hearts amnesty 

The Other McCain - Exploring 'explaining postmodernism' by Stephen Hicks 2: Counter-Enlightenment 

The Right Guy - Not on Fox or GBTV 

The Scottcarp Dream - Obama demoralizes our military 

The Wyblog - All your children are belong to the nanny state 

They Say/We Say - As the debates continue, the questions are more direct. Here is the video of the debate....

TOTUS: Conservative Commentary - Two Obama voters 

Virtual Mirage - The sin of ingratitude 

Warning Signs - The threat of a global financial collapse 

We The People... - Gun news 

Western Hero - Are Teachers overpaid? 

What Does The Prayer Really Say? - SERIOUS Occupy Wall Street Commentary. No, Really

Woman Honor Thyself - Black Friday! 

Woodsterman - Did you plant any willy peppers? 

Zilla Of The Resistance - "We no longer have creeping sharia; it's a damn stampede" 


  1. The Willy Peppers unite in thanking you Teresa!

  2. Thanks so much Teresa for the link. I adore Polar Express. A lot of people didn't like the eyes on the characters and the Tom-Hanks thing, but I thought it was magical and had a lovely story.
