Tuesday, November 22, 2011

GOP Presidential Candidates:Thanksgiving Family Forum

For those of you who were unable to view the Thanksgiving Forum which the GOP Presidential candidates participated in last week I have posted the entire forum for you to see. This was an outstanding forum. If you had to see only one of the forums/debates this would be the one I would recommend for you to see. I was extremely impressed with all of the candidates and their answers. At the beginning of the video there is a moving and powerful movie video. Then, the forum starts at about the 36 minute mark. It is a very long video but well-worth the viewing. Frank Luntz and his assistants asked some great questions of the candidates.

H/T Ron Paul 2012 


  1. Will make not of the video and watch it this evening. Thanks for posting it.

    I really like your Natalie Wood post!

  2. My pleasure to post. Thank you Carol.

  3. Thank you for posting this, it was refreshing to hear positive thoughts about God.

  4. how dare they have faith...lol HAPPIEST THANKSGIVING!..AND feel good Teres~!

  5. I liked this forum a lot. No buzzers and the candidates really let their guard down. Worth the watch.
