Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mayor Bloomberg Places Blame For Financial Crisis On Democrat-Controlled Congress

I am no fan of Bloomberg but he actually gets this one right.  Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. I commend him for placing the blame squarely where it belongs, on Congress and the Democrats.


  1. Now if only Bloomberg would get a backbone concerning other matters before him.

  2. You and Odie are right, I'm no fan, but he is right on this one and now he needs to sweep the street around Wall Street. Enough is enough the "occupy wall street mob" has to go. Waiting on this will only bring tragedy in the end and Bloomberg and those who have dragged their feet or even supported this crowd will have to bear the blame.

  3. Did I just hear him say that, "CONGRESS" was at fault, and not the banks??

    I think I am hearing things....oh boy.

    I must admit he was on target, for once.

  4. Maybe now he can work up the courage to clean out the OWS trash.

  5. Bloomberg must be under a lot of pressure to have made this statement.
