Monday, December 5, 2011

Santorum at SFVRC: A True Government Reformer

These videos were posted via Smitty at The Other McCain. In the videos, which are courtesy of the blogger Three Beers Later, Rick Santorum is speaking in front of the San Fernando Valley Republican Club(SFVRC).  In the introductions Rick Santorum is called, “A Tea Party kinda guy, before there was a Tea Party”. 

If you want a government reformer with a proven track record then support and vote for Rick Santorum for President. These videos are a great way for those interested to get to know Rick Santorum better.

From Smitty, "Enjoying these videos while building up the post, I can state without reservation that Santorum ‘gets it’, without the baggage of Romney or Gingrich. I hope that Iowa turns into his campaign boomlet."

Rick talks about his ancestry, American ancestry, and freedom.

From Smitty, "Santorum discusses rights, responsibility, the revolutionary nature of the REAL contract with America… and why the Progressives need to break that contract."

The White House and progressives view people as robots or sheep who can't think for themselves - government knows better than you do - Sheeple.

The Obama Regime's policies are crippling our economy.  Rick has great ideas on how to get our economy booming again.

From Smitty, "On his opponents, entitlements and how to fix both. These uncapped entitlements mean that we cannot know beforehand how much we will spend on them. The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB*) is a new cap for Medicare."

Rick gives examples why he can win this race.

From Smitty, "‘Ipab’ may mean ‘Death Panel’ in Swahili; I’m not sure."


  1. Santorum was my second choice after Cain, so as of Saturday, he is my choice. I do not trust Romney or Gingrich.

    Let's see how it goes.

  2. Wow! Today I listened to all the tapes while I did paperwork. This clinches it for me. Santorum for president!

  3. That's great Leticia and Quite Rightly!

    He has some great ideas to get this country back on track. He believes that morality,family, and economics are interconnected and I agree.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Rick Santorum is for Liberty and will defend America. He also has some excellent ideas on jump starting Business in America. We can't say that about BHO.

    Thanks Teresa, from "Stop Marxism"

  6. He is one of three I would actually vote for if he were to get the nomination.
