Thursday, December 1, 2011

Viral Video: The Democratic Party and Blacks - A Consistent History of Abuse and Exploitation

From Stolen History... via Conservative Hideout 


  1. Uhrm, the Democrat party sees all voters as useful idiots. And if one particular people keeps picking poor leaders and taking the free money for the poor choice, en mass, one has to, at some point, ask if that is a choice or if choice is possible. If the former, there can be no sympathy. If the latter, perhaps they do not deserve rights.

  2. I will be sharing this on my FB wall and more than likely will use it on my blog.

    The truth has been masked and covered up for far too long.

    This was a fantastic and very educational video.

    I am going to look on Amazon to find Stolen History.

  3. what hypocrites!!! have a fabulous weekend my friend!!

  4. So Teresa, do you support the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act has great and essential pieces of legislation?

  5. Katherine,

    Civil Rights Act - Absolutely!

    Voting Rights Act - I agree with the main tenets of it but I disagree with some of the details.

    One example - I believe that all people should be required to be knowledgeable about the Constitution and there should be a minimum standard of literacy in order to be able to vote. This would apply to ALL people.

  6. So you are a liberal except you support the literacy tests that the Southern states formerly used to determine who had the right to vote?

    You think conservatives like William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater were wrong to oppose the Civil Rights Act? Wrong as a simple mistake in prudential judgment or deeply wrong?

    You think the liberal sponsors of the Civil Rights Act (Hubert Humphrey, Teddy Kennedy, Paul Douglas) and their supporters (LBJ, the NAACP and the Big Unions) were on the side of justice?
