My blog shares ideas regarding Sociology,Conservative Politics, Catholic beliefs, current events, personal stories, Philosophy, humor and entertainment news.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS -- Piano Rock Edition - 1-3-2012
Now we have entered into the new year, 2012. I would like to wish all blessings, good health, and prosperity in the New Year. Does America seem alien to you? Like we have departed into another realm, far from how our Founding Fathers envisioned America would be? It may seem this way but God will always be with us and watching over us, especially in our times of need and in the tumultuous times we are living in today. God will guide us as we go through the peaks and valleys of life this year. As we all vie for our particular presidential candidates whom we support we must remember what our end goal is - to make Barack Obama a one term president. After the primaries end and our GOP nominee is chosen we all need to rally around the person and give him/her the support that will be needed due to all that misinformation being spread by the MSM. Our country is "lost in space" and this year we must bring our country back from the brink of economic disaster, fight against the tyranny that Obama & Co. throws at us, stand up for liberty, and return a sense of morality to our society.
American Perspective - "My mother-in-law pulled out my nails" - Afghan Bride, 15
America's Watchtower - Rick Santorum Continues to Surge in Iowa
ARRA News Service - U.S. Presidents Ranked by Budget Deficits
Atlas Shrugs - AFDI/SIOA Event at CPAC 2012! Islamic Law in America
A Catholic View - The Vatican's Top 10 Stories of 2011
A Conservative Teacher - Dividing Up The Pie Differently Or Grow The Pie: You Decide in 2012
A Pissed Off Irishmen - Ron Paul is Nuts Period
Adrienne's Corner - Would Bachmann actually do this?...
Always Catholic - 5 New Year's Resolutions for the Catholic Church in America (2012)
Always On Watch - Silencing Voices
America! Oh How We'll Miss You! - End the Fed
Amusing Bunni's Musings - Let's Review
Barracuda Brigade - Virginia AG intervenes in GOP ballot dispute as blocked candidates join suit
BBCW - Your Federal Government is Spending Billions Monitoring You on Social Media
Beers, Bicycles, and the VRWC - WordPress Loves Hamas and CAIR
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism - Political Ponderings about Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Pro-Life,...
Black or White Is A Choice - Another Good Man Not Lost To Future Generations
Blogsense-by-Barb - Christians Given 3 Days to Leave North Nigeria or Face Death
Blowing San #1 - How does this involve the security of our nation?
Bluegrass Pundit - Palestinians fire illegal phosphorous mortar shells into Israel
Bunkerville - Obama lies, insisted that detention of Americans be in defense bill
Bread Upon The Waters - Psalm 67 -- Lionel Valdellon
Blog de King Shamus - Thoughts On The Passing of Christopher Hitchens
Catholic Bandita - Rick Santorum's Plan to Shrink Big Government
Catholic Fire - St. Sylvester I, pope
Commentarama - Happy New Year
Common Cents - Video: 100 Years in 10 Minutes
Catholic Once Again - Catholic Blogs, Resolutions, and Hugo Movie Review
Conservative Hideout 2.0 - Occupod Roundup: Flag Burning and Death Threats, Oh My!
Conservative Perspective - Happy Reset,,,If We Can?
Creative Minority Report - Santorum: Striking Distance of Stunning Upset
Da Tech Guy - They Ain't Laughing Anymore
Don't Tread On Us - Feeling Much Better
Eye Of Polyphemus - My Predictions for 2012
Faith of the Fathers - Nun Famous for Kissing Elvis Prays for Miracle
Feed Your ADHD - I Don't Think He Liked My "Fatwa You" Comment
Freedom By The Way - One School's Answer to "Whiney" Parents
Fuzzy Logic - Fuzzy's Fab Five of 2011
Generational Dysfunction - Merry Christmas!
Give Me Liberty - Debt Limit: A Guide To American Federal Debt Made Easy
Greg Mankiw's Blog - A Half Dozen Short Takes
Hack Wilson - Connecticut Middle School students take a field trip to a mosque
HolyCoast - Singer changes insipid lyrics to Equally Vapid Lyrics and draws ire from Atheists and Lennon Fans
I Know The Words I Need To Say... - The Presidential Race
Innominatus - Every Stinking Channel??
It Don't Make Sense - Why I Carry
Jo-Joe Politico - Research and The Meaning of Life
Just A Conservative Girl - What an End to the Year: Occupier Heckling Romney
Just An Artist - Happy New Year
Laughing Conservative - Cartoonist: Ken Catalino
Left Coast Rebel - Paul Endorser: Homosexuals should be executed
Let The Truth Be Known - Bishop's New Year Message for 2012
Legal Insurrection - Alan Colmes mocks how Santorum mourned dead child
Libertarian Republican - Huntsman: Ron Paul in the "Twilight Zone" on Foreign Policy
Maggie's Notebook - National Defense Authorization Act is Law NDAA: Rand Paul on Patriot Act...
Milton Wolf - Congress' all-time low 5% approval rating: What does it mean?
My Daily Trek - Nascar driver Kasey Kahne and Target 'Nurse-In's': Why is public breast-feeding still an issue?
Nonsensible Shoes - Avoiding The Nightmare Scenario
NoOneOfAnyImport - Presidential Holiday Messages Prove What, Exactly?
Obama Cartoons - Sexy Puerto Rican Girl
Pedaling Fast - 2012
Political Realities - Iowa Caucuses Straight Ahead
Proof Positive - Themes Like Old Times
Pundit & Pundette - Late-term abortionists charged with Murders in Maryland
Quickwit - Just let the old people go, it will save on costs
Randy's Roundtable - Asshead Of The Month
Rational Nation USA - Christian Right Talk Show Host Endorses Newt Gingrich...
Reaganite Republican - What Reaganite Wouldn't Listen To Economic Genius Art Laffer?
Right Klik - Obama's Paths to Victory
Robbing America - To Iran: Go Ahead, Make Our Day
Saber Point - Why Islamophobia? Robert Spencer Answers Muslim Filmmaker
Sancte Pater - Virginia GOP To Require Loyalty Oath in Presidential Primary
Sentry Journal - The Best of "The Plain Truth" 2011 & my New Year's resolution
She's Right - The Video Of The Decade
Solid Rock or Sinking Sand - The Gift Of Righteousness
Standing on my Head - Arianism Today
Stop Marxism - Hillary Supports the Cult of Marx & Saul Alinsky
Talk Wisdom - Muslim Brother Radicals Infiltrating Our Government!
Texas Fred Blog - Iran warns US carrier: Don't come back to Gulf
Texans For Sarah Palin - Sarah Palin's advice to the 2012 GOP presidential candidates
The Bitter Americans - I'm NOT a Conservative
The Blog - Un-Leaders
The Catholic Knight - Our Lady of America: The Immaculate Conception - Mother of God
The Camp Of The Saints - Reading In A Winter Wonderland
The Conservative Lady - Happy New Laws 2012
The Country Thinker - Conservative Inconsistency and the Border
The Daley Gator - Video: UFC fighter obviously not a fan of the Obamassiah
The Last Tradition - Obama Surpasses Jimmy Carter: Obama's blunder to recapture or destroy drone...
The Libertarian Patriot - Down to the wire in Iowa: Ron Paul still ahead in latest PPP poll
The Liberty Sphere - Ear to the ground in Iowa on the eve of caucuses
The Observatorium - Friday Night Tune
The OH, Bama Files - Book Review: Warrior Police
The Oracular Opinion - Personal Update & Holiday Wishes
The Other McCain - More Of This, Less Of Its Cause
The Republican Mother - The Constitution is NOT Dangerous
The Scottcarp Dream - The Invisible Tyrant
The Thinking Voter - Newt Demands Congress To Impose Individual Mandates in 06 and 07
The Wyblog - Fanatical Friday Finale, the sins of the children shall be visited on their parents
TOTUS - Iranian Navy and Jihad This!
Virtual Mirage - Tough Christmas for the Cartels
Wakepedia - You So Long, Lolong
Warning Signs - Obama's War on U.S. Energy
Western Hero - Soft Secession
We The Poeple... Gun News
Woman Honor Thyself - New Years 2012!
What Does The Prayer Really Say? - Dealing with McBrien on the new, corrected translation
Woodsterman - Wild Bill and "State Champions"
Zilla Of The Resistance - Free Speech Hating Peas in an Anti-Semitic Pod
Layla! Good choice!! I love your montage of videos.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link Teresa. You are a great patriot!
ReplyDeletevery good choices.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you.
ReplyDeleteThank you kind lady ... again (Wild Bill Style)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the linky love. Your posse rocks!
ReplyDeleteGreat music in this post!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm prejudiced. Back in the day, I was quite the pianist.
The news links? Well, the news these days is pretty much doom and gloom for the future of America.