The Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow is an inspiration the way he shines forth the love of God. His birth is a true testament to God's ability to create miracles. His mother was advised to get an abortion when he was in his mother's womb but she chose not to get one. God protected her Little One and made sure that he had enough nutrients to survive even though only an extremely small portion of the placenta was attached to her son - Tim. Even the doctors deemed the fact that his mom gave birth to a healthy baby boy a miracle. God has given each of us gifts that hopefully we will use for good. Tim Tebow has a gift of having a magnificent throwing arm, as evidenced by not only the superb throw in overtime last week but also in some of his other throws through the course of last week's game. Those that talk to God and have a good relationship with him are given God's grace to be a force for good in the world. Tim is a very talented football player and hopefully he will be able to pull off an upset against the Patriots. Go Tim!

I don't normally follow football, but I was hoping Tebow would fare well against the Patriots. Sadly, that appears to not be the case, but it doesn't change the man Tim Tebow is. In my estimation, he is head and shoulders above most of the thugs that play the game.
I was disappointed when my Steelers lost last week but I was happy for Tim Tebow. Tim seems to be of great moral character. It's unfortunate that the Broncos didn't do better.
It takes a team ... they just didn't show up. My 49ers did however.
I'm a fan too! Happy Sunday my friend:)
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