Sunday, January 29, 2012

Rep. Allen West: "Obama, Reid, Pelosi Get the Hell Out of the USA!"

This man doesn't pull any punches. He lets the Democratic machine know exactly what he thinks of them. Rep. West is awesome!  Liberals need to stop dragging down the USA and enslaving the American people into dependency. If they hate the U.S. so much and the ideals that America stands for then they should leave for a country that believes in the same socialist ideas as they do instead of ruining the land of the free and the home of the brave. I have posted part of his speech below. You can see the entire speech at The Daley Gator.


  1. We need about 534 more congressmen like Rep West!

  2. Been reading me some comments over at Huff and Puff. They're heads are exploding...heh

  3. Oh sheesh

    THEIR heads are exploding.

  4. "Bring it on, baby!" That's my guy! I love Allen West and I had hoped he would have ran against Obama.

    Libs were probably foaming at the mouth.

  5. I am hoping he ends up as someones VP. Either him or Bachmann.
