Thursday, January 19, 2012

Santorum does NOT support SOPA

Here Rick Santorum answers a question on the proposed bill, called SOPA.  One blog over at uses one section of his comment to promote the lie, that he supports SOPA. That is untrue. He does support some type of piracy legislation. He says that he is not familiar with the bill so he doesn't have an opinion one way or the other on it.

Here is a congressman who is familiar with the bill. Rep. Issa has concerns with regards to SOPA. He explains some basic flaws with the bill.

H/T TheRightScoop


  1. Here's a bit of good news: I just read on the web that SOPA is off the table for this Congress.

    Of course, if the Dems and even others get re-elected in November, SOPA will return for consideration.

  2. AOW,

    That is indeed good news. We'll have to make sure as many Dems and others who support SOPA as possible aren't reelected.

  3. AOW, that is great news!

    I did my part and made the calls and signed the Google and Wikipedia petition.

    I love Santorum and now that Perry is out, he may have a fighting chance. We will just wait and see.
