Thursday, February 9, 2012

MIni Eagle Freedom Links -- Coldplay Edition -- 2-9-12

The past few weeks I have felt sooo tired. It is probably due to some medicine I'm taking. That is the main reason I haven't done a Eagle Freedom Links post or the mini version lately.  Plus, I'm on the hunt for a better job.

Zilla of Zilla Of The Resistance has moved her blog to a new site so please be sure and visit her new blog soon and often. 

About a week or so ago we had the HHS decision mandating that all non-profit organizations provide contraception, sterilization procedures and abortion inducing pills even though that violates the conscience and religious liberty of citizens.  Another sign that Obama is an anti-constitutional tyrant who is imposing his beliefs (or lack thereof) on the American people. He is morally bankrupt IMO.  We must fight together against this unjust mandate.

Some questions: Who is your choice to be the GOP nominee out of those presently running?  If you could pick who would have been your choice for GOP nominee, excluding those presently running? What are the characteristics you look for in a President?  Do you have any prayer requests? If so, please do mention and myself as well as the rest of the conservative bloggers will keep your prayer intentions in our thoughts and prayers.

Reaganite Republican - A Little More On US Navy Seal Team Six 

Rational Nation USA - Halftime in America... Twilight Time for Rove and His Minions 

Randy's Roundtable - Caterpillar Runs From Illinois 

Resist Tyranny - Saturday Morning TV Memories 

Sacramentum Vitae - How Divorce Ruins Childrens' Lives 

Standing On My Head - Permanent Preventative Care 

Talk Wisdom - Rick Santorum is Genuine; Obama is Vain 

Bitter Americans - Rubio: Republicans Need To Focus On Being Pro Legal Immigration, Not Anti Illegal Immigration 

Woman Honor Thyself - Weekend! 

Blog de King Shamus - Ya Know That Clint Eastwood Super Bowl Ad...? 

NoOneOfAnyImport - A Stream of Consciousness 

Catholic Bandita - A Paul Supporter Explains Why Is Endorsing Rick Santorum 

Michelle Malkin - CPAC vs. the Occupiers: Keep Calm and Carry Silly String 

Atlas Shrugs - Corruption at the ACU 

The Libertarian Patriot - Boehner To Cave, Holder To Skate on Fast and Furious 

Allied Liberty News - Cartoons From The U.K...

A Conservative Teacher - Book Review: Killing Lincoln 

World Net Daily - Is Gingrich a 'Consistent' Conservative? 

Adrienne's Corner - Catholics are Fed Up. Pelosi Should Be Denied Communion

Amusing Bunni's Musings - Magnificent Milestone, 5 Year Blogaversary! UPDATED

Barracuda Brigade - Mark Levin To Mitt Romney: Conservatives Have Had Enough of Your Sleazy Campaign Tactics 

Conservative Perspective - Do You Know What Your Children Are Learning? 

Eye Of Polyphemus - Formspring Question #361 - Romney Inevitability Edition 

Faith of the Fathers - EWTN Files Suit To Block Contraception Mandate 

Fuzzy Logic - Fuzzy Shorts: More On BO's Tyranny, UI's, and the "GOP Establishment" 

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