Sunday, March 18, 2012

MIni Eagle Freedom Links -- King of the Hill Edition -- 3-18-12


Western Hero - Life: Ten Universal Principles 

American Perspective - Outrage! Teen Commits Suicide After Forced Marriage to Rapist

A Pissed Off Irishmen - Rosie O' Donnell's  disastrous new show was cancelled 

Adrienne's Corner - The Message: Communism doesn't work... 

Barking Spider - Welcome To Britannistan 

Bread Upon The Waters - Allen West on Disarming U.S. Marines for Panetta Speech 

Catholic Fire - St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland 

Sentry Journal - The Constitution: Keeping a Promise (H.R. 347) 

Hack Wilson - Ron Paul fanatics plan to vote for Obama

Conservative Hideout 2.0 - Why the Hurry??? We The People have a Primary to participate in. 

The Conservative Lady - WARNING: Offensive Video: Obama's Million Dollar Man 

The Other McCain - Humor-Deficient Charles Johnson Sides With #OccupyMovement vs. NYPD 

Weasel Zippers - McRINO: GOP Should Allow Obama To Trample on Catholics First Amendment Rights...

Atlas Shrugs - Video: Pamela Geller on SUN TV Discussing NY Times Islamophobia 

Don't Tread On Us - Trestin 2012 

TOTUS: Conservative Political Commentary - Obama's Political Cover 

Right Wing Theocrat - While California Dreams 

Bunkerville - Obama Signs Executive Order March 16, What's Up With This? 

To Have Her Heart - The Four Paths of Repentance by St. John Chrysostom 

Blogsense-by-Barb - The Fall of the America I Love

Reaganite Republican - Reaganite's Sunday Funnies 

My Daily Trek - Hot Shots Part Deux... Some of my favorite scenes

Mind Numbed Robot - Illegal Immigration Solved (Partially) 

Maggie's Notebook - Judge Napolitano: No Free Speech in Presence of Secret Service - Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Act 

The Camp Of The Saints - Don't Shoot Me, I'm Only The Politics Playah 

A Catholic View - Vatican Opens "Verbum Domini," a Unique Exhibit on the History of the Bible

AlwaysCatholic - wishes you a beautiful day honoring St. Patrick 


  1. Thanks for the link and good stuff!

  2. I actually lasted over five minutes watching that 'King of the hill' video...
    What's the point? (Maybe us old guys don't get it.)

    And why is everything reversed?

  3. Thank you for the link. Dale is the man.
