Monday, April 16, 2012

Does Eric Bolling Have a Solution for Our High Gas Price Woes?

I'm not sure whether either Eric Bolling's or the CFTC Commissioner's ideas would work or not. But something needs to be attempted to bring our gas prices down at the pump.


  1. Let's ask George W. Bush. He did it already.

  2. I'm no expect like Eric Bolling, but then even the expects disagree.
    Personally, I feel something similar to his plan is already in effect and has done little to help. It is after all, that time of year for prices to rise and normally in the fall they drop. I do however, think we must loosen up on drilling regulations and open new areas. Obama and the EPA seem to be dedicated to doing just the opposite. Herein, I believe lies the problem insomuch as we can control this part of a bigger situation.

  3. Sorry meant to say "experts" in above comment. Have a good evening Teresa.

  4. It was an excellent program, and of course, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah was on!! Hope she gets the Dept of Energy!

  5. At least these people are thinking about it and trying, unlike that empty suit in the white house who has no plan and whose main aim seems to be shooting anyone down who dares to come up with any plan.
