I want to wish all my Christian blogging friends a Blessed and Happy Easter. I also want to wish all my Jewish blogging friends a Happy and Blessed Passover.
Defeat Obama in 2012 - Anti-Obama Badges and Banners and They are Free
Catholic Bandita - Bella Makes Me Trust Santorum To Repeal Obamacare
Conservative Hideout 2.0 - MSNBC Too Lazy to Make Up Their Own News; Let's the Kossacks do it for Them
The Country Thinker - Voting For Romney: The Worst Mistake a Conservative Could Make
The Libertarian Patriot - Did Wayne Allyn Root Snub Gary Johnson and Endorse Romney?
Maggie's Notebook - Zimmerman Martin Scream Voice Analyzation: Martin Told Police Screams ...
The Conservative Lady - He Never Sleeps
The Daley Gator - Editgate: NBC's Nameless Scapegoat Raises More Questions
The Camp Of The Saints - Guilty Pleasures: Popalooza
Capitalist Preservation - Thomas Kincade Dead at 54
America's Chronicle - Israel Will Attack Iran - And The American Election
The Other McCain - Rick Lowry's Editorial Impotence?
Adrienne's Corner - He is Risen...
Political Realities - President Obama and His Arrogance to the Supreme Court
Atlas Shrugs - Jihadist in Plain Sight
Creative Minority Report - The End of Menopause?
TOTUS: Conservative Commentary - Fun and Games in Vegas on Your Dime or GSA Gone Wild
Reaganite Republican - Judge Napolitano: 'The President is Dangerously Close to Totalitarianism'
Woodsterman - Cowboy Logic
Virtual Mirage - Change of Venue
Fuzzy Logic - Fuzzy Shorts: OCare, Helter Skelter, and Femisogyny
Conservative Perspective - NRA Interviews Amb. John Bolton on Obamas "More Flexibility"
Bread Upon The Waters - Good Friday: You Can't Shake Jesus -- Ricky Skaggs
Sentry Journal - President Obama Calls It Social Darwinism; I Call It Liberty...
American Perspective - Behar Better Stop Calling Jessica Simpson "Fat"
My Daily Trek - The True Meaning of Easter
Right Wing Theocrat - Zimmerman Demanded Justice for Black Victim in 2010
Self Evident Truths - Liberalism Causes Mental Illness
The Blog - Chicago Thuggery
Barking Spider - New Blog Address
A Catholic View - Divine Mercy Novena
American Power - Leftists Lie, Make False Allegations To Silence Pro-Israel Professors
Amusing Bunni's Musings - Here Comes The Easter Bunni!
ARRA News Service - Video: Undercover Investigation Reveals Liberal Hypocrisy on Voter ID
Blogsense-by-Barb - Wise As Serpents and Harmless As Doves
Bunkerville - Bill To Hold Passports of Americans Who Owe Taxes Moving Along
Common Cents - Benefits of Regular Church Attendance
Doug Ross @ Journal - How George W. Bush Destroyed the Economy in Only Eight Short Years
Conservatives On Fire - Easter Is The Gift
Eye Of Polyphemus - The Significance of the Resurrection
Feed Your ADHD - Breitbart Is John Galt
It Don't Make Sense - Obama's Inner Thug
Jo-Joe Politico - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today -- Steve Green
Liberty At Stake - And the Winner of the 'Josef Goebbels Award' for Journalistic Malpractice is....
Lone Star Parson - Holy Saturday
Motor City Times - Have a Meeting With Eric Holder or the DOJ? Get Your ID Ready
I Know The Words I Need To Say... - Thought for the Day
NoOneOfAnyImport - On the Lighter Side
Obama Cartoons - Mitt Romney is on His Way to the Republican Nomination
Say Anything Blog - Obama Administration Preparing For Another Round of Solyndra-Type Loans
Astute Bloggers - Did Martin Luther King Jr. Die in Vain? Tyler Perry Suffers Racial Profiling
STOP Marxism - Dinesh D' Souza: Barry Obama & 2016
Talk Wisdom - By His Stripes We Are Healed
The Humble Libertarian - How the US uses Sexual Humiliation as a Political Tool to Control the Masses
The Lonely Conservative - Obama Blames Bush for Lavish GSA Conference
The Owl Blog - Regulation v Growth, and Government Follies
The Troglopundit - When Does Socialism Begin?
Theo Spark - Cartoon Roundup
Western Hero - The More Things Change...
Zilla Of The Resistance - Identity Theft: Another Tool for the Politics of Personal Destruction by the "Tolerant" Left
Always Catholic - Solemn Mass in the Traditional Roman Rite: Mass of Easter Sunday Narrated by...
Domine, da mihi hanc aquam - Seek What Is Above...
What Does The Prayer Really Say? - Benedict XVI's Sermon for the Easter Vigil: of creation, light, communication...
The American Catholic - Christus Victor
The Catholic Knight - The Jewish Roots of Christianity
Ubi Petrus,Ibi Ecclesia - The Exact Date of the Crucifixion
Battle Beads Blog - He Is Risen!
Cmblake6's Blog - A "Heads Up" From a Reservist in Cali.
A Western Heart - TX: Atheists Encourage Christians to Exchange Their Bibles for...Pornography
Always On Watch - Wikipaintings
Bluegrass Pundit - President Obama's Re-election Campaign Stiffs Vermont Police Department
Catholic Once Again - For God So Loved The World
DeanO - Judge Judy - Here's Who You Support With Taxes
Give Me Liberty - Bashers Mr. Dean? Look in the Mirror
Hack Wilson - Baltimore man beaten, robbed while crowd watches and laughs
Just A Conservative Girl - Bad Politician, Bad CT Democratic Primary Debate gets Heated
Freedom, by the Way - Muslim Brotherhood Visits White House, So, Now They're the Good Guys?
Legal Insurrection - Palestinian Authority cracks down on "extending one's tongue"
Milton Wolf - King of the Blue States: California gives food stamps to people earning up to $119,000 a year
Pedaling Fast & Trying to Keep Up - If I Were The Devil - (a warning for our nation) - by Paul Harvey
Blog de King Shamus - Black Leadership, Tribalism, and America
Proof Positive - News Veteran Mike Wallace - RIP
Rational Nation USA - Obama arrogance ...Part 2
Sancte Pater - Pope Denounces Dissident Priests
Standing On My Head - Ed The Internet Atheist
The Observatorium - Oversimplification
The Scottcarp Dream - Pics Worth A Thousand Words... and Trillion$$$$
Thank you so much for the link Teresa. I hope you had a blessed Easter.
ReplyDeleteWow, what a fantastic post! And thank you for the linkage, as well.
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter, Teresa!
Happy Easter Teresa!
ReplyDeleteThank you again.
Thanks for the link and all of the work you put into your great blog.