Sunday, April 8, 2012

Eagle Freedom Links - Easter Edition -- April 8, 2012

I want to wish all my Christian blogging friends a Blessed and Happy Easter.  I also want to wish all my Jewish blogging friends a Happy and Blessed Passover. 

Defeat Obama in 2012 - Anti-Obama Badges and Banners and They are Free 

Catholic Bandita - Bella Makes Me Trust Santorum To Repeal Obamacare

Conservative Hideout 2.0 - MSNBC Too Lazy to Make Up Their Own News; Let's the Kossacks do it for Them 

The Country Thinker - Voting For Romney: The Worst Mistake a Conservative Could Make 

The Libertarian Patriot - Did Wayne Allyn Root Snub Gary Johnson and Endorse Romney? 

Maggie's Notebook - Zimmerman Martin Scream Voice Analyzation: Martin Told Police Screams ... 

The Conservative Lady - He Never Sleeps 

The Daley Gator - Editgate: NBC's Nameless Scapegoat Raises More Questions 

The Camp Of The Saints - Guilty Pleasures: Popalooza

Capitalist Preservation - Thomas Kincade Dead at 54 

America's Chronicle - Israel Will Attack Iran - And The American Election 

The Other McCain - Rick Lowry's Editorial Impotence? 

Adrienne's Corner - He is Risen...

Political Realities - President Obama and His Arrogance to the Supreme Court 

Atlas Shrugs - Jihadist in Plain Sight 

Creative Minority Report - The End of Menopause? 

TOTUS: Conservative Commentary - Fun and Games in Vegas on Your Dime or GSA Gone Wild 

Reaganite Republican - Judge Napolitano: 'The President is Dangerously Close to Totalitarianism' 

Woodsterman - Cowboy Logic 

Virtual Mirage - Change of Venue 

Fuzzy Logic - Fuzzy Shorts: OCare, Helter Skelter, and Femisogyny 

Conservative Perspective - NRA Interviews Amb. John Bolton on Obamas "More Flexibility" 

Bread Upon The Waters - Good Friday: You Can't Shake Jesus -- Ricky Skaggs 

Sentry Journal - President Obama Calls It Social Darwinism; I Call It Liberty...

American Perspective - Behar Better Stop Calling Jessica Simpson "Fat"

My Daily Trek - The True Meaning of Easter  

Right Wing Theocrat - Zimmerman Demanded Justice for Black Victim in 2010

Self Evident Truths - Liberalism Causes Mental Illness 

The Blog - Chicago Thuggery 

Barking Spider - New Blog Address 

A Catholic View - Divine Mercy Novena 

American Power - Leftists Lie, Make False Allegations To Silence Pro-Israel Professors 

Amusing Bunni's Musings - Here Comes The Easter Bunni! 

ARRA News Service - Video: Undercover Investigation Reveals Liberal Hypocrisy on Voter ID 

Blogsense-by-Barb - Wise As Serpents and Harmless As Doves 

Bunkerville - Bill To Hold Passports of Americans Who Owe Taxes Moving Along 

Common Cents - Benefits of Regular Church Attendance 

Doug Ross @ Journal - How George W. Bush Destroyed the Economy in Only Eight Short Years 

Conservatives On Fire - Easter Is The Gift 

Eye Of Polyphemus - The Significance of the Resurrection 

Feed Your ADHD - Breitbart Is John Galt 

It Don't Make Sense - Obama's Inner Thug 

Jo-Joe Politico - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today -- Steve Green 

Liberty At Stake - And the Winner of the 'Josef Goebbels Award' for Journalistic Malpractice is.... 

Lone Star Parson - Holy Saturday 

Motor City Times - Have a Meeting With Eric Holder or the DOJ? Get Your ID Ready 

I Know The Words I Need To Say... - Thought for the Day 

NoOneOfAnyImport - On the Lighter Side

Obama Cartoons - Mitt Romney is on His Way to the Republican Nomination  

Say Anything Blog - Obama Administration Preparing For Another Round of Solyndra-Type Loans 

Astute Bloggers - Did Martin Luther King Jr. Die in Vain? Tyler Perry Suffers Racial Profiling 

STOP Marxism - Dinesh D' Souza: Barry Obama & 2016 

Talk Wisdom - By His Stripes We Are Healed

The Humble Libertarian - How the US uses Sexual Humiliation as a Political Tool to Control the Masses  

The Lonely Conservative - Obama Blames Bush for Lavish GSA Conference 

The Owl Blog - Regulation v Growth, and Government Follies

The Troglopundit - When Does Socialism Begin? 

Theo Spark - Cartoon Roundup 

Western Hero - The More Things Change... 

Zilla Of The Resistance - Identity Theft: Another Tool for the Politics of Personal Destruction by the "Tolerant" Left 

Always Catholic - Solemn Mass in the Traditional Roman Rite: Mass of Easter Sunday Narrated by... 

Domine, da mihi hanc aquam - Seek What Is Above... 

What Does The Prayer Really Say? - Benedict XVI's Sermon for the Easter Vigil: of creation, light, communication... 

The American Catholic - Christus Victor 

The Catholic Knight - The Jewish Roots of Christianity 

Ubi Petrus,Ibi Ecclesia - The Exact Date of the Crucifixion 

Battle Beads Blog - He Is Risen! 

Cmblake6's Blog - A "Heads Up" From a Reservist in Cali.

A Western Heart - TX: Atheists Encourage Christians to Exchange Their Bibles for...Pornography 

Always On Watch - Wikipaintings 

Bluegrass Pundit - President Obama's Re-election Campaign Stiffs Vermont Police Department 

Catholic Once Again - For God So Loved The World

DeanO - Judge Judy - Here's Who You Support With Taxes 

Give Me Liberty - Bashers Mr. Dean? Look in the Mirror 

Hack Wilson - Baltimore man beaten, robbed while crowd watches and laughs

Just A Conservative Girl - Bad Politician, Bad CT Democratic Primary Debate gets Heated 

Freedom, by the Way - Muslim Brotherhood Visits White House, So, Now They're the Good Guys? 

Legal Insurrection - Palestinian Authority cracks down on "extending one's tongue" 

Milton Wolf - King of the Blue States: California gives food stamps to people earning up to $119,000 a year

Pedaling Fast & Trying to Keep Up - If I Were The Devil - (a warning for our nation) - by Paul Harvey 

Blog de King Shamus - Black Leadership, Tribalism, and America 

Proof Positive - News Veteran Mike Wallace - RIP 

Rational Nation USA - Obama arrogance ...Part 2 

Sancte Pater - Pope Denounces Dissident Priests 

Standing On My Head - Ed The Internet Atheist 

The Observatorium - Oversimplification 

The Scottcarp Dream - Pics Worth A Thousand Words... and Trillion$$$$


  1. Thank you so much for the link Teresa. I hope you had a blessed Easter.

  2. Wow, what a fantastic post! And thank you for the linkage, as well.

    Happy Easter, Teresa!

  3. Thanks for the link and all of the work you put into your great blog.
