Friday, April 27, 2012

Hannity Interview On 'Occupy Unmasked'

This movie looks like it will provide a transparent look at the occupy movement, revealing the true nature of the movement. It looks like its going to be a great movie and I can't wait until it is released in June. The public needs to see the truth about the occupy movement since the media did everything to put a positive spin on this radical movement which is filled with Marxists, or left wing extremists and since the media refused to report the news accurately as far as on the violence which permeated throughout the occupy movement.


  1. We have to live with the fact that when it comes to news reporting those in the edit rooms in the MSM will only approve those stories that fix into a nice little box that supports their liberal ideology. Stories that run against the grain are suppressed and given only limited coverage or none at all. That is their right, but certainly not their duty to the public. I've seen this behavior for too many years to innumerate going back to the 1950's when I was a very young man seeking my identity. An identity I found thanks to some great professors in college. Those men are long gone and replaced, as you might guess, by those that cheer on the views coming across your nightly airways. I will continue to fight, for as long as possible, the encroachments of what I see as an alien ideology on my American way of life. I'm grateful for your spell check as my spelling is horrible. Straight A's in history and math, but English almost tripped me up on the path to my sheepskin.

  2. This looks like a great movie!
    I'm sick of the MSM spinning these occupy commies like they are some harmless flower children.

    PS: love the new blog look and better commenting!
    Have a nice Weekend, Teresa.

  3. Proof positive that our educational system has been completely infiltrated by Socialist/Marxist/Communist. Parents, please don’t send your young adults to these universities and colleges. Sadly, it is happening in our grade schools and high schools. Thems are just the facts, as I see ‘em. They don’t seem to have any thoughts of their own. Maybe the Zombie thing isn’t that far off

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It's astroturf. Many are sincere in that movement, but they don't understand what's behind it.

  6. Their followers are the useful idiots known as the progressives!

  7. "....this radical movement which is filled with Marxists, or left wing extremists...."

    Don't forget the rapists, thieves, drug pushers and other assorted criminal scum that is part and parcel of occupy.
