Weasel Zippers - Devastating Video: Are We Satisfied? No!
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism - Books by Dave Armstrong: The Quotable Wesley: Theology and Conversion of Heart
The Daley Gator - *Video* Did Muhammed Exist? Robert Spencer Says No
Atlas Shrugs - Saturday Night Cinema: The Lady From Shanghai
Domine, da Mihi Hanc Aquam - Coffee Cup Browsing
The Camp Of The Saints - TCOTS Exclusive Pic: Newt Endorses Mitt!
The Other McCain - Not #ReadyToGo? Hashtag Doesn't Fill Ohio Arena For Obama Campaign
The Libertarian Patriot - TLP Quick Hits: Connecticut Passes Marijuana Bill
What Does The Prayer Really Say? - National Offend A Feminist Week!
Conservative Hideout 2.0 - Occupod vs. Hannity
Capitalist Preservation - Happy Cinco de Mayo from Jose and...
Catholic Bandita - Cardinal Law's Bum Rap
My Daily Trek - How Lord of the Rings Should Have Ended
American Perspective - NSA Spy Center Slated For Completion Sept 2013
It Don't Make Sense - Sitting Stupid: Princess of the Entitlement Tribe
The Country Thinker - The Halls of the Philosopher-Monarchs
Political Realities - Barack Obama's Version of an Economic Recovery: Open Thread
The Catholic Knight - The Fall of Multiculturalism and the Rise of Nationalism
Bunkerville - Obama's Way Forward
TOTUS - Our Hip Hop Prez
Reaganite Republican - Perusing the Righty Blogosphere
Woodsterman - Froward
Sentry Journal - Renewing America: Patrick Kelly Interview
Virtual Mirage - Gentleman Reading My Mail
Creative Minority Report - Outrage!! Georgetown Chooses Sebelius for Commencement
Randy's Roundtable - Friday Nite Funnies
America's Chronicle - Cinco de Mayo: Thank the French for the Corona's
The Blog - Cat Blog Friday
Defeat Obama in 2012 - Let's Make Mitt Romney Our 45th President
Maggie's Notebook - First the Pastor, Now the Lawyer
The Conservative Lady - Obama's Newest Composite Character - Julia
Let The Truth Be Known - Is Obama Planning To Unleash a Red Plague on America?
Self Evident Truths - Repost: Abortions ad Absurdum
Right Wing Theocrat - Stock To Avoid
The American Catholic - May 8, 1862: Battle of McDowell
Mind Numbed Robot - Blast From The Past
The Audacity of Logic - Obama's Czars
Fuzzy Logic - If I Wanted America To Succeed
Don't Tread On Us - Ignorance is Strength, 2012 Edition
Zilla Of The Resistance - #NotGoodEnoughForRomCon
We The People - Scouts Honor! Would I Lie To You?
Theo Spark - French Voters Elect Francois Hollande as Next President
The TrogloPundit - Like Me, You've Probably Never Lost Any Sleep Over What Happened...
The Owl Blog - New Eugenics and Turning Our Backs
The Lonely Conservative - SNL Scrapped Skit Poking Fun at Obama, Replaced It With Skit...
The Humble Libertarian - FBI Quietly Pushing Plan To Force Surveillance Backdoors on Social Networks...
The Astute Bloggers - What Makes Americans The Greatest Race On Earth?
Talk Wisdom - Power Over Those Who Refuse To Think
Stop Marxism - Conservative Artwork
SayAnythingBlog - Milt Freedman: The Free Lunch Myth
Rjjrdq's America II - Illegal Alien Tax Fraud A Booming Industry
PaleoCon Command Center - I Hate Barack Obama More Than I Love Jesus
Obama Cartoons - Rubio Slams Obama on Fox News Sunday
NoOneOfAnyImport - Another Hero in the Army of Davids
Motor City Times - "Californian to Texan" Translation Guide
Lone Star Parson - Horsing Around
Liberty At Stake - Demotivational "Julia"
Jo-Joe Politico - Another Intelligent One
Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia - Did Muhammad Exist? An Intriguing New Book
Eye Of Polyphemus - Stargate SG-1-- "Forsaken"
Doug Ross @ Journal - Un-Freaking-Believable: American POW Left to Anguish While Obama Gives Away Taliban Prisoners
Common Cents - The Best Editorial Page You Will Find
Bunkerville - Obama's Adviser cites Marx in Support of Class Warfare
BBCW - Is Missouri State Senator Jay Wasson Serious About Returning Local Control To Christian County Schools?
Boudica BPI Weblog - Congressman Allen West Speaks To BREC (Broward Republican Executive Committee)
Blogsense by Barb - 5 Truth-Bites for Today!
Battle Beads Blog - A Muslim Warns America, Condemns Sharia Law!
ARRA News Service - Obama's Career Crossroad & Dad's Duck Wisdom
Anonymous Political Scientist - The Life of John: A Rebuttal to The Life of Julia
Amusing Bunni's Musings - Movie Fun with Bun Bun
Five Feet of Fury - 'BlazingCatFur' gets Results': My Husband Breaks Another Story that Gets Picked Up by Mainstream
American Power - Pamela Geller Slams Obama's Foreign Policy on Hannity's
Always On Watch - The Meaning of Words
Adrienne's Corner - Sunday With Bill Whittle...
A Patriotic Nurse - Disenfranchised by the GOP
A Catholic View - 17, 000 'Aphrodesiac' Pills Made from Dead, Aborted Babies Seized by Police in South Korea
A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics - Bishops Watering Down Message on HHS Mandate
Acts Of The Apostasy - LCWR Plans "The Life of Junia" Project
A Conservative Teacher - Bishop Argues That Obama and Democrats Don't Tolerate Competition from Church: Is He Right?
Barracuda Brigade - Obama Administration Throwing in the Towel When it Comes to War on Terror?
Beers, Bicycles and the VRWC - Challenge Them
Beers With Demo - Images of America
Black Or White Is A Choice - The Botox Babe is Back in the News
Bluegrass Pundit - Prepare for Your TSA Sponsored Cavity Search at the Airport
Catholic Once Again - The Music of Seven Sorrows
Commentarama - Meet Elizabeth Warren - Native American
Diogenes' Middle Finger - Why Diversity Training is Bullsh*t
Granny Jan and Jihad Kitty - Barack Obama is the Metrosexual President
Hack Wilson - Charles Krauthammer vs. Liberal. Best Comeback Ever.
Full Metal Patriot - Exposed: Rampant Illegal Immigrant Tax Fraud
Proof Positive - Hulk Smash
Innominatus - Good News/Bad News
Just A Conservative Girl - Education Reform - Do What Works, Not What Feels Good
Left Coast Rebel - What Do These Unemployment Figures Really Mean, Especially If You are a Recent College Grad?
Laughing Conservative - Your Tax Dollars at Work
Legal Insurrection - Dick Lugar Jumps the Social Security Scare Tactic Shark
Libertarian Republican - Revealed: Suarez Took a Soiree to the Middle East after Secret Scandal Broke
The Observatorium - STR
Motivation Truth - More Footage of Governor Palin at Extraordinary Women Conference in Birmingham
Nikon Sniper - Blue Herron Fishing Creek
Obama Cartoons - Frances Fox-Piven To Occupiers
Quickwit - Europe Died at Auschwitz
RightKlik - Outlier: Dick Lugar is Too Liberal for Indiana
Saber Point - Democracy Doesn't Work
Sancte Pater - Obama Catholics
Standing On My Head - The Jesus Revolution
The Scottcarp Dream - Forward Red Marines
We The People - Gun of the Day - The "There's an M-60 in there Somewhere" Edition
America'sWatchtower - Gunrunner: First Democrat Expresses Support for Holding Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress
Cmblake6's Weblog - You Want To See Something Insane?
Thomas Jefferson Blog - Media Not Biased?
Conservatives On Fire - The "Chicago Way" Must Be Stopped!
Infidels Are Cool - CIA Foils Al Qaeda Underwear Bomb Plot Intended for Anniversary of Bin Laden Death
Thank you for all of this hard work kind Lady! Love that "Eternal Flame" too. How many candles do you burn at both ends to get your "EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS" posts out.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
Girl you put some kind of work into this post. Wish I was able to spend that much time on one post, but then you know how many blogs I have so have to divide my time. Thanks for the linky love. Wish I had the time to visit all those sites, but just can't get but "Don't Get Around Much Anymore" as the old song goes. You're not old enough to remember that one. Again thanks for the links.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the Beastie Boys "Sabotage" MCA passed away.
ReplyDeleteAND I LOVE, LOVE, "Eternal Flame" reminds me of my very first love. :)