Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Voice - 2012 Finalists: Who is Your Favorite?

These past few months I have become a fan of the TV show "The Voice" and have totally gotten hooked on watching it.  I have really enjoyed watching this show, which really says something since I am not one to get into these reality shows.  This week has the last two shows which will decide who will be 'The Voice'. You can watch the show Monday night on NBC from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. and the season finale will air Tuesday from 9p.m. to 11p.m. Who out of these last four finalists do you think should be crowned 'The Voice' this season?

Juliet Simms 

Tony Lucca 

Jermaine Paul 

Chris Mann 


  1. Let me know how it turns out .. hint hint.

  2. Juliet Simms!!!! I love the blind auditions part of the show but the elimination rounds are so confusing to me that I always lose interest. But I loved Juliet's voice from the very beginning and is happy to see that she is still there. I hope she comes out the winner!
