Thursday, June 14, 2012

MIni Eagle Freedom Links -- Obamacare is Bad for America Edition

I will posting more links within a couple days but I at least wanted to post some links even though I have been feeling under the weather due to a medical issue.  It is mid-June and we should be hearing a ruling from the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of Obamacare so I thought that I would post some videos on why Obamacare is bad for America and Americans.  Hopefully the Supreme Court will do the right thing and rule that Obamacare is unconstitutional. Now here are some links by great conservative bloggers.

Sentry Journal - When Conservatives don't embrace liberty 

Conservative Hideout 2.0 - Just how delusional is Barack Obama? 

Totus - Thank God for Fox News 

Bunkerville - Obama's secret history regarding 'Obamacare' 

The Other McCain - Time to ask: What did Brett Kimberlin know and and when did he know it?  

Western Hero - The loony Left's intellectual death spiral 

My Daily Trek - Funnies and videos 

Bread Upon The Waters - "Nanny Bloomberg" : The NYTimes centerfold

Reaganite Republican - CBO: If debt continues US could enter 'permanent recession' within a decade  

The Camp Of The Saints - The spot-on quote of the day...  

Atlas Shrugs - Pamela Geller, WND Weekly column: Mega-Mosque leaders defy US law

American Perspective - Obama's security is a joke 

It Don't Make Sense - Nobody died at Watergate

The Conservative Lady - Hold the spaghetti... 

Legal Insurrection - If not bloggers, who? 

Adrienne's Corner - For Greater Glory... 

Woodsterman - Depressed 

TNBC - The latest from Congressman Col. Allen West 

The Libertarian Patriot - Meet individualist Emily, The Freedom Movement's alternative to Obama's Julia 

Stop Marxism - Members of Congress call for "Swat" investigation

Sancte Pater - Pope says being baptized means always saying "no" to Satan, falsehood  

Liberty At Stake - Democrat Circular Firing Squad ( June 2012 Edition) 

Don't Tread On Us - States Rights 101 

America's Chronicle - Jeb Bush doesn't get it 

Maggie's Notebook - Where is the outrage? 


  1. WOW, thanks kid, I even made the mini. would you like an anti-Obamacare banner. They're for sale (free) at woodsterman, or I can send you one.

  2. Thank you so much for the link Teresa. Foe a "Mini" Eagle link you have a great round up here.

  3. Thanks Teresa, we're certainly in great company...

  4. Thanks so much for the linky love- much appreciated.

  5. Thanks for the link, my friend and I hope you are feeling better. Teresa, take care of yourself.
