Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mini Eagle Freedom Links - Odds and Ends Edition

I want to wish all dads and grandfathers a Happy Father's Day!  

Somehow on May 5 I missed my 3rd blogaversary.  In some ways I can believe that its been three year since I started this blog and other ways have me thinking oh my goodness its been three years since I started this adventure known as blogging.  I am so glad to have met some very fine patriots and wonderful friends via this blog.  

Should we be funding China's one-child policy?  The U.S. just helped the Chinese pro-life activist, Chen Guangcheng, who was being persecuted for fighting against the one-child policy come to America but we are funding that policy via UNFPA - a U.N. organization. Now, does that make sense?  How many of you think the U.N. needs to be disbanded? Or at least that the U.S. needs to say adios to the U.N.?  I see absolutely no reason to belong to a world organization that thrives on anti-Americanism and isn't worth a damn when it comes to bringing peace to the world.  They just placate Russia and China. And have Iran one of the worst human rights violators on the Human Rights Council.  That makes no sense.  

Here are some great links from some dedicated patriots who are trying to save America from tyranny. Enjoy! 

A Catholic View - Graphic photos trigger an outcry in China 

A Conservative Teacher - Obama sneers at rule of law and separation of powers, Issues royal decree... 

Amusing Bunni's Musings - Even animals know how to be Fathers! 

Barracuda Brigade - African-American Rush Caller: Pulling a gun on me wouldn't make me vote for Obama again 

Conservative Perspective - Obama Kardashians' radio address - the conservative response 

Creative Minority Report - Killing Tinkerbell 

Eye Of Polyphemus - Sarah Shahi 

Feed Your ADHD - Mantyhosers: Men in Tights (Because they want it that way)

Virtual Mirage - Stuck in the 80's & 90's 

Warning Signs - Deliberately destroying America 

Fr. Z's Blog: WDTPRS? - Sr. Sandra Schneider's NunThink, or why the CDF is picking on the magisterium of nuns

We The People... - Leaked trade doc' proves Obama lied 

The Scottcarp Dream - Biden urges end to traditional farming 

The Observatorium - Challenged 

The Last Tradition - NYPD's "stop and frisk" helps New York from not becoming Chicago 

The Catholic Knight - An authentic Catholic vision on immigration 

Bitter Americans - Fellow Hispanic voters, please don't take the bait! 

Audacity of Logic - Why Holder must go

Atlas Shrugs - Two more churches hit by bombs today, that brings total to five 

Country Thinker - Supreme Court smacks down overreaching regulators 

Right Wing Theocrat - Abortion in the east - Are we any better? 

Political Realities - Farm Bill examples of wasteful spending 

Give Me Liberty - The untold story of the Star-Spangled Banner

American Power - Romney boys share their favorite memories about their dad on Father's Day 

Doug Ross @ Journal - Top ten things President Romney can do now that we know old media approves of rescinding laws by executive order 

Blogsense-by-barb -- Jesus 'Omitted" from Niagara Falls crossing 

ARRA News Service - Michelle Malkin at Right Online 2012 

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