Saturday, June 2, 2012

WI Police Officers & Pro-Union Thugs are Freaking Fascist Liberals

The WI police officers at the Dem rally for Tom Barrett arrested a Pro-Walker marine.  The police officers and the man at the end of the second video claim that this Pro-Walker marine was causing "civil unrest" while the marine was simply holding a sign, walking around, and conversing with others. To sane, ordinary folks what I just described would be called peacefully protesting but to freaking fascist liberals they view it as "civil unrest".  The ridiculousness of these people is so absurd. Hmmmm..... So if someone simply attends an event of their political opponent and expresses a different viewpoint that qualifies as "civil unrest"? WTH?!? Nah... That only happens when its a conservative who expresses his views at a progressive rally. Progressives don't believe in free speech. Progressives don't believe in diversity of beliefs or opinions. Progressives believe you better the heck agree with me or else we'll make you pay for your daring to challenge what has been drilled into their heads over the years via the public education system as well as via government approved journalism and TV broadcasts.  So much for the first amendment? Free speech? Oh yeah, progressives just want to tear up and throw away our constitution - what they call an outdated piece of paper. The fact that hundreds of Pro-Barrett protesters couldn't handle one Pro-Walker protester in the midst of them is extremely telling.  Thuggery, thuggery, thuggery and the Democrat liberal fascists go together like Kool-Aid mix and water.

H/T JoeNobody 


  1. Sickening. I am so fed up with them.

  2. I was wondering ... what part of society was the First Amendment for?

  3. This is pure thuggery

  4. That fascist "liberal" mentality is what ushers in police states.

    Those hooting monkey don't want to hear anything that conflicts with their fantasy world views, and they cheer the use of police force to shut up those who disagree with them.

    That is the opposite of classical liberalism.

  5. Union thug cops detained a non-union protester ... something smells in Wisconsin.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yeah...Tuesday's going to be a REAL hoot around here.

    (And if I could type, I wouldn't have had to delete the previous comment)

  8. The mindless democrat zombies are out in force with only one thing in mind---the head Scott Walker at whatever the cost or method. With them its always the "end justifies the means"! Constitutional rights have no meaning for these people when they see them as a threat to their desired outcome.

  9. Typical lefty behaviour, they always prattle on about free speech and dissent, but readily jettison both for 'their greater good'. Glad hear they still lost to Walker.
