Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Religion of Peace Pledges To 'Wipe Christianity From The Face Of The Earth'

The Islamic fascists are at it again. An Islamist group with ties to United Muslim Nations International has released a booklet titled, "The Global Islamic Civilization: The Power of a Nation Revived" where they outlined plans to "wipe Christianity from the face of the earth."  And the Left claims conservatives are intolerant. Geesh... And they say we're overreacting when we push back against certain initiatives which promote Islamic supremacy within the United States.  We must take measures to ensure that our religious freedom remains intact.  We must continue to fight against the Islamo-fascists. 

From Breitbart:

Sheik Farook al-Mohammedi, the leader of the group, has made his intentions clear: "Christianity should be destroyed and wiped from the face of the earth [because] it is an evil, demonic and Anti-Christ system" He added: "The Revived Global Caliphate has set eyes on the West to once and for all rid the world of Christianity and there is nothing you can do about it."  
And in other news, President Obama has spent his presidency telling us that Islamists and Westerners share so much in common: that our differences are minimal but our desires, our hopes and dreams, are so similar. 
I guess Obama hasn't read "The Global Islamic Civilization" yet.

Maybe Obama's views ( at least some of his views) aren't that different from Islamists views? Maybe Obama wants the West to be more like how the Islamists live?  That would be taking this country down more than a notch or two. That would be quite destructive to America which seems to be his administration's modus operandi. 


  1. They will claim you are overreacting until, literally, the knife is against your throat. Then it will be too late. And you will have been had (if you buy into their BS).

  2. "Islamic Civilization"

    That's an oxymoron.

  3. I admire your stands on our faith at SF's....you go, Girl! :-)

  4. "Do not fear what they fear."

    If we forget about what Jesus says, the world can be a scary place. But Jesus has overcome the world. Whether we live or whether we die, our souls are safe in Him who loves us.

  5. "Do not fear what they fear."

    If we forget about what Jesus says, the world can be a scary place. But Jesus has overcome the world. Whether we live or whether we die, our souls are safe in Him who loves us.

  6. Thanks so much for your kind words, Z. You do an excellent job defending the faith too. God Bless.

  7. Obviously, the Sheik, there, is a misunderstander of Islam - I mean, Islam is a religion of peace, donchaknow? I mean, ask any of the western Islam-apologists or the MSM (labels which are interchangeable).

  8. I've always said that there are going to be a lot of surprised libs one day...as they are being beheaded for being infidels.

  9. This is prcisely why our Muslim -N - Chief has invited the new president of Egypt for a White House visit... He wouldn't know Christian values if they bit him in the ass... Wait a minute, those Christian values are about to kick his worthless ass out of the White House...

  10. This is prcisely why our Muslim -N - Chief has invited the new president of Egypt for a White House visit... He wouldn't know Christian values if they bit him in the ass... Wait a minute, those Christian values are about to kick his worthless ass out of the White House...

  11. Let us pray that our nation will be saved.

  12. Not only do they want to wipe out Christianity but the Jews and anyone else who opposes the teachings of Mohammad, who believes anyone not Muslim is an infidel, and should be killed. Beheadings seems to be their choice of method to eradicate the non-believers.

    Peaceful, no, I don't so.
