Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jenna Jameson Supports Mitt Romney Rule 5

Mitt Romney is one lucky GOP nominee to have the support of the former porn star, Jenna Jameson. Jenna has been showing her support for Romney as well as smacking down haters on twitter. 

More Rule 5 

The Camp of the Saints - Rule Five Saturday

The Daley Gator – Tiara Harris

Eye of Polyphemus – Rachel Leigh Cook

 Proof Positive – Arianny Celeste

Guns and Bikinis – Killer Girls

Randy’s RoundtableMidweek Break

The Last Tradition – Rhonda Fleming

Theo Spark –Bedtime Toddy

The Other McCain- Rule 5 Monday 

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style :  More about blondes

American Perspective - Duchess Kate loves the Olympics 


  1. It's quite clear that if an ex porn star is tired of getting screwed by Obama, just think how tired we are...

  2. First Dirty Harry, now Jenna Jameson...could prove to be an interesting race after all!

  3. Romney gets the endorsement of a common street walker, wow.

  4. Duckster, you haven't lived Dude until ....

  5. Does that mean it's OK for me to invest in some of Jenna's films? I can call them Republican training films or some such!!!

  6. Somehow I knew Odie would approve of this gal.

  7. I have never heard of this woman, but in my case, that's a good thing.

    It's kind of interesting that a porn star, whom, I would have believed her to be more liberal than conservative would support Romney, I guess even some Hollywood types are sick and tired of Obama and his empty promises, fake smile and his hypocrisy.
