Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Caller says "please move those deer crossing signs"

This is funny but it also should give us pause to question "how could anyone think that way? Be that dumb?"

H/T Augustine1blog 


  1. I'm confident that: (a) she is a registered voter (b) she is a Democrat (c) that she is a licensed driver and thus is called to serve on juries and to render verdicts on her 'peers' in criminal proceedings.

    There should be a law against forcing deer to cross where those signs are. Where is PETA?

  2. LOL, how can the government allow deer to cross the road at all! For shame!

  3. She's right! The little dears should be told to cross else where.

    The new signs should read, "Obama Voters and Dear Cross Here."

  4. I caught this one as well. Every now and then the cream rises to the top.

  5. Wonder if she's related to Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Does it really matter which state?)

  6. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard the recording!! OH my gosh! No one can be that ignorant. Listening to her, she truly believed what she was saying.

    How sad, and if she has children, oh boy!

  7. Is that for real, some catholics want a mosque to be built on ground zero, are they stupid? It never ceases to amaze me that some Christians think that islam is a religion of peace and deserves equal respect. All those fellow Christians murdered and persecuted by muslims means nothing to them.

    Lastly, i guess hillary knows what a good obedient liberal woman should do when their liberal men are looking to offload the blame.
