Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ships, Horses, and Bayonets Oh My!

Romney was asserting that Obama was gutting the military.  The number of ships in the Navy has decreased under Obama.  Bayonets and horses were replaced with better technology, better weaponry, but there has been no talk from the Obama administration of replacing the lost ships with better ones.  Instead Obama responded with one of the most arrogantly condescending asshattery answers.  Obama acted like a small, petty man while Romney acted presidential and mature. Chris Wallace did some fact-checking and in the video below he reveals who was right and wrong on a few of the issues that were touched on in the debate.
During the debate Obama tried to paint Romney as a warmonger.  Romney deflected the paint balls extremely well. He didn't take Obama's fishy bait. Obama's a fishy kinda guy.  The Obama administration failed to get a Status of Forces Agreement.  Mitt Romney was right, Obama was wrong.  Obama's utter incompetence and lying gives people a glimpse into what a shady character he really is.

From Red State: Speaking of Bayonets...

Well, well... what do we have here? A bayonet.


  1. As someone intimately acquainted with bayonets, I found Obama's quip to be off base. There is really no shortage of bayonets [speaking for the Army at least]. We simply don't train with them anywhere the rate we used to.

    Fact checking runs into problems when only half of the facts are used. Chris [and Romney for that matter] failed to note that the Maliki regime was only amenable to a SOFA renewal if US forces were to come under Iraqi legal jurisdiction. Something no sentient American would agree to, especially given Baghdad's comfortable relationship with Tehran.

    The US Navy's own numbers show that a decrease in shipbuilding is more attributable to the years under the GW Bush Administration than the present.


    Romney may or may not be a warmonger, but as his foreign policy positions are both evolving and nearly identical to Obama's...the exchange last night simply highlighted how similar they are.

  2. Our military still uses bayonets and yep, in the desert, horses, too.

  3. Speaking of horses...

    Monument honors U.S. 'horse soldiers' who invaded Afghanistan (http://tinyurl.com/3eduxah)

  4. Just think...he's the Commander-in-Chief and knows nothing about the military. Remember Corps Man?

  5. It seems that china has a grasp on the need for ships. They have a massive buildup underway.

  6. A series of email alerts sent as Obama administration officials monitored the attack on the U.S consulate in Benghazi last month are the latest to shine light on the chaotic events that culminated in the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

    The names of the individual recipients of the emails, first reported by CBS News but independently obtained by ABC News Tuesday evening, are redacted. A source who requested anonymity said it appears they are sent by the State Department Operations Center to distribution lists and email accounts for the top national security officials at the State Department, Pentagon, the FBI, the White House Situation Room and the office of the Director of National Intelligence.

    The first email, with a subject line of “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack,” sent at 4:05 PM about 25 minutes after the attack began, describes an assault on the compound by 20 armed people.

    I want to see how Obama. Hillary and the rest of those slime-bags explain and wiggle their way out of this one, and WHY they ALL especially that Vice President despicable JOE Biden lied about this in his debate and they ALL lied to the American people and why they didn't send help as they could have watching this on real time, we had troops only about one hour away and this lasted for about 7 hours!!

  7. He's an absolute joke as CIC; I feel so bad for our military who have to put up with such a detached, uninformed moron. At least he pronounced both words correctly, unlike "corpsman" which he insisted was "corpse man." Gaaah! Is it November 7th yet?

  8. It's obvious that BO has nothing but animosity for our military.

  9. You hit the nail with this one. Thanks. Obama hasn't a clue about the military. Romney also has little experience but is willing to listen to people that do. Side note. Old ships need to be replaced with new ones that have benefit of technologies that fit our current naval needs. More ships or less ships is not as important as more power to meet current challenges.
