Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Citizens Voted for the Death of America

I posted this on Facebook and thought I would share.

Americans voted for the death of America last night. They voted for malaise. America is screwed. Americans are so gullible to believe Obama's lies. It is obvious that a majority of Americans are clueless about America's founding, her history and want this country to topple like Rome did, and be overcome with debt like Greece. The Left's Communist infiltration of America has worked. The Left's gradual indoctrination of America has put voters in a trance oblivious to reality stuck in their bubbles in their own alternative realities, believing what they want to believe based on emotions, wanting false rights, believing the state has a right to coerce people to abandon their faith and conscience rights. The media has been complicit in this with having committed journalistic malpractice constantly covering up for Obama & Co in order to get their guy re-elected.

June 28, 2012, the day the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, was the day America died.  Last night we buried Her.


  1. This is a generational and cultural watershed. America has changed. I don’t predict doom, just a gentle slide into Europeanism. Starting with Germany and ending up as Greece.

  2. I believe we have seen the last free election in the U.S.

    "Circumstances" will "require" that Obama become president for life and he will become the despot he so desperately wants to be.

  3. America is indeed dead, and has been terminally ill for some time. I share your grief at her passing.

  4. American Exceptionalism has been replace by American mediocrity.

  5. When more Americans, especially liberals, start losing their employer-provided health insurance and have to pay out of pocket for this mandate known as Obamacare, just remind them of the fact they voted for it.

  6. "When more Americans, especially liberals, start losing their employer-provided health insurance and have to pay out of pocket for this mandate known as Obamacare, just remind them of the fact they voted for it."

    A rare bright spot.

    I am looking forward in my old age to chuckling at the 40-something parents (who voted for Obama in their single 20's) complaining about how government is robbing them blind.

    Especially sad but rich will be the women crying because government health care won't save their beloved mother or grandmother.

    You gave it up for free rubbers, girl. Live with it!

    Cold comfort, but that's about all we're left with.

    It's a progressive nation now.

  7. "American Exceptionalism has been replace by American mediocrity."

    That indeed happened....but long before last night.

  8. I think Joe maybe right

  9. The media and the educational system share the blame. Both are steeped in the progressive indoctrination that has been going on for many years.

  10. They played it wall. Most of obamacare comes starts in 2014. After the.2014 election.

  11. The libs got what they asked for, I hope they choke on it.

  12. Good post Teresa, i too share the pain of your loss. Wish it were not so, but it is.

  13. I too am saddened by our loss...

  14. I just see a fallen America that has embraced immorality and has totally and completely eradicated God from this nation.

    BTW,I just sent you a friend request on Facebook. :)

  15. Wow, I can't remember an election that brought out the drama queens like this one.

    Bye-bye Baggers. Don't let the door hit you. Can't say you'll be missed.

  16. I think the ghost of Breitbart is going to come and haunt you Ducky.
